Cottage & Family [Search results for facebook

  • Come see us on Facebook too!

    Come see us on Facebook too!

    I have been really bad about updating my blog

    We have been spending much more time
    on our Facebook business page ~
    It is just easy to add little tidbits
    of things over there :)
    So if you would like to hear from us a bit
    more often, take advantage of sales or just a new thing
    we have heard of or learned make sure
    and come over and Like our page ~
    You also have to make sure and do the drop
    down menu under the like button and click on
    the "Get Notifications", "Add to Newsfeed"
    and the "Add to Interests" button ~

    Click on the picture below to take you there ~

    We are still going to blog too but just
    not as often :)

    We hope to see you there!
    Lori, Kristin and Stephanie!

  • New Vintage Style Baby Headbands

    New Vintage Style Baby Headbands

    My daughter Stephanie has been
    creating the baby items
    for our Ellie Grace category ~
    Today she added some
    just precious headbands
    that all have a vintage look~

    It is really fun having
    her little adorable baby
    Ellie Grace for our model too!!

    Make sure and
    follow us on facebook!!
    We post there daily ~


  • Me & My Family

    Me & My Family

    Oh my goodness it is crazy cold out today in Texas !!

    I have been busy creating stuff since it is too cold

    outside to even step foot out there ~

    But instead of showing you more ruffled stuff I decided

    to reintroduce you to my family ~

    It pretty much says the same thing in my

    "About Me" page but oh well :)

    Dana, my hubby, and I have been married 28 years ~

    He is a pilot which is totally fun since our whole family

    adores traveling and we do it as much as we can ~

    I do have to say that we are originally California kids

    since we grew up there and miss it alot ~

    We have quite a bit of family still there ~

    If you are my facebook friend you

    have seen this picture alot but I LOVE it ~

    James took it of us and it is where I want to be

    pretty much all of the time ~

    We have 2 girls that are 24 and 21

    and are both married ~

    Kristin and James got married 3 years ago ~

    James is an awesome professional photographer

    and Kristin works at a bank ~

    Her passion is mentoring teenage girls

    and also she loves to cook ~

    Stephanie and Noah got married 1 year ago ~

    Noah works at a huge

    church in the sound area which he is going to school for

    and Steph is in school for a Marketing degree ~

    She likes to cook too so I recruit them

    on the weekends since I hate to cook !

    They all live close to us so that is wayyyy cool !

    We get to spend time together quite a bit

    which is always a fun time ~

    I am off to the warmth of the fire ~ my office is cold !!

  • Ellie Grace Baby

    Ellie Grace Baby

    We are in baby heaven
    here in our homes
    with Kristin's son, Isaac
    who is 7 weeks and
    my other daughter Stephanie
    due now ❤

    Stephanie is having a girl
    and is going to be a stay
    at home mommy so she
    is having fun creating with
    Kristin and I ~

    Steph is making the sweetest
    vintage baby accessories
    and adding some other
    fun sweet things as well ~
    Her facebook shop is named
    after her baby girl,
    Ellie Grace ~

    Her creations are
    so precious and
    her prices are awesome
    so stop on by and say hi ~

    The picture directly above
    is of a pacifier clip ~
    We haven't seen a
    sweet vintage looking
    one anywhere and are
    loving this!

    Chat soon!

  • Creatively Made Home

    Creatively Made Home

    We are so excited to start the
    Creatively Made Home
    e-course and wanted to share it with you!!

    Creatively Made Home is an all new e-course about creating a home that reflects your heart in everyday living. It is about inspiring and encouraging you to create and style a home that you and your family love to live in...

    This five week online course is hosted by 5 friends who want to help you to define your decorating style so that it is a true reflection of your heart.

    Creatively Made Home is hosted by:

    Tracey Leber

    Sara Duckett

    Kimberly Taylor

    Jennifer Rizzo

    and.....Jeanne Oliver

    Here is the jam-packed schedule for the course:

    * Each week you will have amazing truthful videos from not only the five teachers but other creative women.

    * Each week we will take a room from one of YOU and all five women will give their suggestions telling you how they would transform the room with their style.

    * There will be 50+ project videos.
    These will be incredible videos that include everything from gardening, cooking, gift giving and decorating.

    * There will be written tips from each woman telling you how she starts a room, picks paint, fabrics, etc. You will learn where to start when putting your own home together.

    * Tons of beautiful house photos from each of the five women.

    * Videos that truly reflect what life is like in each of their homes. The stuff that life is really about.

    * Each woman will share their own truthful journey about how they started making their home a reflection of their hearts.

    * Each person registered will get an easy entertaining e-book to download.

    It will contain go to recipes for beautiful and easy entertaining (they do go together), photos of table settings that take the stress out of having people over, favorite drinks and so much more (and their funniest entertaining story).

    * There will be a private Facebook group to connect with other class members.

    * There will be a once a week live discussion with one of the teachers!

    * You will get printables and pdfs to keep and use again and again.

    This course is about loving your home, loving your family and blessing those around you....and having fun doing it.

    This course will lavish you with ideas, beauty, inspiration, joy and encouragement!
    Come and play house with us.

    Class begins October 22.
    Registration is now open!

    The price of the course is $58 for all 5 weeks!

    To sign up for Creatively Made Home, go *HERE*

    We can't wait !!

  • Spring & Summer Clothing!!

    Spring & Summer Clothing!!

    We LOVE all of the beautiful feminine clothes that are
    available right now!! They are so very comfortable
    and perfect for your spring and summer wardrobe!

    So needless to say we decided to start carrying them
    on our website and are having alot of fun
    shopping for them and wearing them too!

    Make sure and stop by because
    we add something new a couple
    times a week!
    Stop by our facebook page
    or sign up on our mailing
    list for upcoming specials :)