Cottage & Family [Search results for college

  • Back to Disney World

    Back to Disney World

    Our youngest daughter just moved back home from college until January 12th when she will check in to be a college intern at Disney World ~~
    She is sooo excited !!! ~ When our girls were little we used to go to Disneyland at least once a year because we lived in California and so they both grew up loving it ~
    She will be there until the end of May so I am sure we will visit at least a couple of times ~ woohoo !!!

    Texas has been way too cold the last few days so I was dreaming of the warm weather and wonderful time that we had in October when we were at Disney World ~

    This is from the left, my daughter Kristin, sister Kim, daughter Steph and niece Chelsey ~

    This is a pic from the left, my daughter Kristin, sister Kim, niece Chelsey and me ~

    We all love Tigger and Pooh because they are so happy !

    Well back to thoughts of Christmas ~

  • College Move In Day

    College Move In Day

    Last week we moved my youngest daughter, Stephanie, into her town house at college ~ it is her sophomore year at Dallas Baptist University ~ We all adore her school, it is just the best so she was pretty excited ~ all summer she has been going to flea markets collecting furniture and then the girls would come over and paint ~ they had to furnish the entire thing so they collected all summer long ~

    This is a picture of 4 of the 6 girls who will be living together ~

    I have shown the school in other blog posts but this is a picture of the outside of her town house ~ these are my baby girls all grown up ~ wow !! where does the time go ....

    We rented a U-Haul to get it there all in one trip ~ it is just about 45 minutes from us so it isn't far but it was alot easier to do it that way ~

    The day was sooooo stinking hot !!! It was 107 degrees not counting the humidity ~ I think it was like 112 degrees ~ thus the saggy pants I had on, I think they were melting off ~
    We recruited grandpa too but I was a little worried about him with working in the heat ~

    Stephanie was just a little overwhelmed with it all :O)

    After a few hours she was ready to have it all done .....

    I will have pics of it all decorated soon ~ they unpacked and decorated all the same day and grocery shopped ~ they cracked me up trying to get it all done in one day ~

    Ta ta for now ~

  • ~ Off to College ~

    ~ Off to College ~

    ~ Steph and her sister, Kristin ~

    Wow !!! What a fun day full of mixed emotions ! We took our daughter to college today and helped her move into her dorm room ~ it was so much fun to be met with all of the upper classmen ready to help unload the car and alot of smiling faces ~ The dorms are small but we made it homey for her and then she was off for an awesome few days that they call SWAT ~ it is full of fun, music, food and meeting new friends ~ she is only 40 minutes from home so I am actually hanging in there okay with both girls being out of the house within 2 months ~

    ~Steph and her roommate ~

    This is as we were driving away and she was walking to their first SWAT event ~ she is in the blue shirt ~

  • Christmas Day

    Christmas Day

    I thought I would introduce you to my family through some Christmas morning pictures ~ This first one is me and my hubby ~

    These are pictures of our two girls ~ Kristin is the first picture, she got married in June but for some reason I didn't get a picture of her hubby ~ I really love him too :O) I will have to see if she got one and add it ~ Our youngest daughter Steph is our off to college girl ~ She is home for about 5 weeks ~ yay !!!!

    And last but not least is Katie, our baby who is the black and white dog ~ Kenzi is Kristin's and she is just a doll too ! They thought Christmas was pretty fun ~

  • Tie Dye

    Tie Dye

    My sister and niece are here right now from California so I have been spending most of my time with them and my two girls ~ we are having a great time visiting and shopping and just goofing around ~

    My daughter's boyfriend made her a tie dye shirt ~ some girls on campus at their college were making them and he thought he would give it a try and then gave it to her ~ well we decided that we needed him to teach us how to do it because we thought it would be fun to wear them on our family vacation in October to Disneyworld ~ it was so much fun, we ran to Wal Mart and got all of the dye and T-shirts and became hippies for the day ~ It was a crack up because we were tie dying everything we could find that was white ~

    Here are a few pictures of the end products ~

    This is my sister, Kim making one for her husband ~

    This is my neice ~

    This is me ~

    These are my two girls' creations ~

    We had t-shirts hanging everywhere ~

    Sooo this is where I have been but I can tell you that my market orders are arriving so they will be on the website soon !

  • My Girls and Their Blogs

    My Girls and Their Blogs

    I have introduced you to my family in the past but
    I wanted to introduce you to my girl's blogs ~

    Kristin, our oldest daughter, has been doing photography
    with her husband for a while and recently launched her own
    photography website and blog ~

    Her business is called Kristin Brandon Photography ~
    They are traveling to Italy soon to shoot a wedding!
    I am so excited for them !

    Stephanie has started a blog journaling her and her
    husbands cottage home transformation ~
    They actually are just closing on it today and are
    having fun going to Salvage Shops, Flea Markets
    and Craigslist to find vintage things for it ~
    Her blog is called College St. Cottage ~

    It is so fun to watch them get excited
    about all of the treasures they have found ~

    { Photos are by Kristin's husband James
    at James Brandon Photography }

    Both of the girls are just introducing themselves and their blogs
    so they would love to have you stop by ~

  • ~Meet My Family ~

    ~Meet My Family ~

    Wow !!! I am amazed that it has been so long since I have done a post ~ it seems like the time has flown with all of the hustle bustle of Christmas !!!
    I wanted to start off the new year by introducing you to my family ~ I have been married for 25 years to a total sweetie named Dana ~ the other picture is of our 2 precious girls, Kristin who is 20 and Stephanie who is 17 ~ Kristin is in College and Stephanie is a Senior in High School ~