Cottage & Family [Search results for collage

  • Elements of Collage Class

    Elements of Collage Class

    I was thrilled to finally be able to attend

    one of Lisa of Tarnished and Tattered's classes ~

    The one that I got to take was on

    Elements of Collage and it was taught at

    Cottage Panache in Richland Hills, Texas ~

    It was alot of fun to get to soak in some of Lisa's talent !!

    She had a sweet box full of treasures waiting

    at each of our spots and tons and tons of laces,

    trims and ephemera for us to play with ~

    ( Excuse the not so hot pictures, some were taken with my Iphone )

    This is the awesome collage that Lisa did for our sample ~

    This is the collage that I did ~

    Dawn from The Feathered Nest made

    all of the precious shoes ~

    They are sooo cute !

    Here are pictures of the other ladies artwork ~

    I love how they all came out and

    it was fun to see the differences in them ~

    I am looking forward to more classes soon !

  • Kindergarten Collage Castles

    Kindergarten Collage Castles

    This year the Kindergarten students worked really hard to create these beautiful collage castles for our annual art show. The project was broken down into several smaller one day projects and then put together into a finished product.

    Students first began by painting and stamping a piece of paper for their grass. The students were given several colors of green paint and asked to paint their entire paper with one color. Next they used found objects to dip in green, blue, and white paint and printed on top of their painted papers. We let these papers dry and moved onto the next step.

    Students then created a beautiful sparkly sky. We began the lesson by talking about cool colors. The kindergartners were given Glitter paint (Sargent Brand) and had to paint their entire paper with plenty of sparkly paint. They used notched cardboard scrapers to add swirls and designs to their sky.

    We then created a castle on a small piece of tag board and painted them with silver paint. The castles were cut out-- with some help from me and volunteers.

    The collage was put together on the last day. The students drew a wavy "ground line" on the back of their green paper and cut it out. They attached their ground to the sky, being careful to line up the bottom, and then glued on their castle. Students added clouds and used oil pastels to add details to their fabulous creations.

    These castles took awhile to create, but the result was outstanding!!! They looked great when displayed alongside their clay kings and queens.

  • Kindergarten Robot Collages

    Kindergarten Robot Collages

    This is a really easy 1 day project that the kids LOVE!!!!!!

    Goal: Students will learn about collage, and utilize critical thinking skills

    Materials: 9 x 12 in black sulphite construction paper, silver paper cut into circles, squares, rectangles, and ovals, scraps of fluorescent paper, scissors, glue w/ tap caps, foam trays

    Prep: Teacher will glue 1 shiny silver shape onto the center of a piece of black construction paper for each child.

    Motivation: Teacher will show the students the black papers with shapes glued on--- teacher will explain that the students have to solve a problem. How can we make a robot and include the shiny shape as part of the robot? Teacher will demonstrate how to make a simple robot using scraps of brightly colored paper and glue.


    Students will go back to their seats and think about their robots

    Use brightly colored scraps to create arms, legs, heads, and details for their robots.

  • Scenes from 2010 New Jersey Art Educators Conference

    Scenes from 2010 New Jersey Art Educators Conference

    This year I attended and presented at the 2010 AENJ conference. I always have such a great time! The convention is a wonderful opportunity to "recharge" my teaching batteries and get some great new ideas from the fabulous art teachers in our crazy state.

    Here are some pictures I snapped of the cool projects I saw.

    Recycled Robot---Used scraps of cardboard boxes and other recycled items to make a robot collage

    Hamburger Assemblage- I have seen this one on the Internet before-- students help themselves to a fixins' bar and stack up the layers!

    Spooky pictures-- Silhouettes with googly eyes, a quick and easy project!

    Gargoyles- This was my favorite project! Students created a gargoyle head out of model magic and painted it with watered down grey tempera. Then they drew the gargoyle body and created a wall for the gargoyle to sit on.

  • Craziness & Picnik Closing ....

    Craziness & Picnik Closing ....

    Life has been craziness the last 2 months

    with some family things that have

    taken my attention ~

    Times like these completely make me

    realize what truly are

    the most important things !

    On another subject though ......

    So I kind of freaked out a bit when I heard

    Picnik is closing !! Oh my goodness !!

    I am a total computer

    goofball and learn my thing

    to do on my computer and

    once I get it that is it .....

    don't throw new stuff in there

    because my brain freezes!!

    I have been using Picnik since

    the beginning of Picnik

    ( however long that is ) and now

    I have been trying to teach

    myself how to do my photos in

    Photoshop Elements ~

    I have been doing the pictures with

    the frame thing forever ~

    and now they are frame-less .........

    which I kinda like !

    I am all about a clean look and it makes

    my website look less cluttered ~

    Haha.... you wouldn't know that I don't have

    a drop of A type personality

    in my body by that statement!

    Anyway today I added more things to my website

    and am trying to transition my brain and website

    over to Photoshop Elements pictures ~

    I am going to kind of miss the

    collage thing though !!

    Does anyone know how to do collages with

    anything else besides Picnik ?

  • Thank you Sandy !!

    Thank you Sandy !!

    I am so excited to be one of the winners of Sandy's blog

    giveaway at Quill Cottage ~

    Sandy does such beautiful things and it was such a

    joy to receive something that she has created ~

    I love to look at all of the sweet details that she put

    into this fabric collage and tag ~

    I tried to take some close ups so you can see too ~

    Thank you so very much sweet Sandy !!

  • Kings and Queens-- 1st and Kindergarten

    Kings and Queens-- 1st and Kindergarten

    I have done this project with both Kindergarten and First Graders. The key is to take it slow and do one part of the project at a time. I like to have the students paint these with glitter paint, but I also like to use Crayola Pearl it Mixing Medium mixed with Glitter paint or mixed with liquid watercolors for a truly sparkly experience. Sometimes I mix in something called "glitter chip glue" which is basically glitter glue with extra big sparkly flakes.

    Goal: Students will refine their painting/drawings skills while drawing the human form.

    Materials: 12x18 in paper, black crayons, skin tone crayons, Glitter paint, jewels, metallic paint or metallic card stock, fancy collage scraps, yarn, glue.


    We will discuss characteristics of Kings and Queens--- we will talk about what type of clothing they wear etc. Teacher will do a quick demonstration on drawing the human form


    Students will go back to their seats—We will do a step by step drawing of a standing person using a black crayon. Students will work carefully to add details.

    Skin color crayons will be used to color in the face, neck and hands.

    Day two:

    Glitter paints can be used to paint the picture. Limit students to one color for the background.

    Students will paint the clothing using a contrasting color. Separate colors can be used for shirt and pants if desired. Do not use the same color for the clothing and background.

    Day three:

    Add yarn for hair, 1-2 jewels per person, fancy scraps etc. to decorate your king or queen.

    A small piece of metallic card stock can be used to create a crown. Show students how to make small v-shaped cuts along the top of a rectangle to make a pointy crown. Glue crown to top of the head.

  • Funky Animal Painting/Collage

    Funky Animal Painting/Collage

    My second grade students created these paintings last year for our annual art show. They were a huge hit with the parents! They took quite a while to complete, but were totally worth it. I found that breaking the project into small steps made they come out nicely.

    First students chose an animal to create. I gave them tons of reference materials to choose from, and some students created imaginary animals. They sketched their animal onto a piece of tag board. We then spent a period painting the the fur/skin of the animal. I demonstrated how to paint an out line around the edge and then fill in the fur . Once their animals were dry, the students selected a blue, green, or purple tone of paint to the background. Some students had to do several coats of paint to the background. Lastly students used glittery paper to add vegetation. We worked on overlapping stems and leaves that wouldn't totally obscure the animal we worked so hard on.

    I would definitely do this project again, as the came out so nicely!

  • Favorite Art Materials for Kindergarten

    Favorite Art Materials for Kindergarten

    Tap Caps for Glue-A great cap for glue bottles—fits on a standard Elmer’s bottle. Releases a tiny drop of glue at a time; the kids simply tap the tip of the bottle straight down

    Sargent Glitter paint--For Kindergarten I try to use transparent paint. When the Kinders paint, they often don't stay within the boundaries of their drawings, this paint allows their drawings to show through!

    One of my favorite paints to use is Sargent Brand Washable Glitter Paint. The colors are brilliant and the paint is transparent.
    Black crayons no pencils

    Glitter Chip Glue

    Sketcho Oil pastels

    Fancy Collage scraps

    Sax Tempera Extender

  • Interesting Workshop Opportunity

    Interesting Workshop Opportunity

    Photo via

    Picturing Writing: Fostering Literacy Through Art

    While at the 2009 NJ AEA convention in Somerville, I attended a workshop that "showcased" a neat program based out of New Hampshire. The program is basically an art and literature based appraoch to writing using collage! Students make all types of cool textured, marbled and funky papers, and construct wonderful collages to create a story. The results are beautiful and impressive.

    Check it out--- the dates are not yet posted for 2010, but you can get an idea of what the program entails:

    Picturing Writing

  • Playing with Picnic

    Playing with Picnic

    Sometimes it is fun to play around with photos in Picnik ~

    I love the look of Sepia and I love the look of Black and White ~

    It is hard to decide which is my favorite ~

    I guess it just depends on what the picture is of or what it

    is being used for ~

    This one is using the black and white and framing it ~

    This is black and white with everything blurred except the crown ~

    This one is sepia which is what I tend to lean towards most of the time ~

    I guess because it has a warmer feel ~

    You can do tons more ~ I love to use the collage which I probably do

    a little too much but it is fun !