Cottage & Family [Search results for citra solv

  • Canvas Totes & The Graphics Fairy ❤

    Canvas Totes & The Graphics Fairy ❤

    I have been having so
    much fun making totes lately!

    I pretty much love
    The Graphics Fairy
    and get alot
    of my graphics from
    Karen's website ~

    These are just a couple
    of the totes that I have
    made using her images
    and the
    Citra Solv transfer method ~

    These are on my website
    and more will be coming

    Have a wonderful week!

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  • Friends and Other Stuff

    Friends and Other Stuff

    I was so very excited last night to get to meet

    Dawn in person ! It is funny how we meet people through

    blogs and then when we get to meet in real life it feels

    like we already know each other ~

    She is visiting Lisa and so last night Lisa, Dawn, Pat and I got

    together just to chit chat for awhile before they were off

    on their weekend of adventure ~

    I have had company this week so haven't been

    doing a whole lot of creating but the bug has gotten

    me really badly !

    One thing that I did was play around with Citra Solv

    and printing images ~ it is soooo cool and washable which rocks !!

    I just love the faded worn look that it gives ~

    I was also trying different techniques for tattered roses

    and really had fun making those too ~

    The roses are on bags that I sell and the bags and pillows

    are on my website too ~

  • Flea Market Tote Tutorial

    Flea Market Tote Tutorial

    It is Flea Market time !!!

    I love big flea market totes

    but having your money

    at quick and easy access is a

    really good thing :)

    This is a tutorial

    on making a little bag for just that ~

    The first step is to buy a tote which

    can be found at most craft stores ~

    Then, I am a ruffle kind of gal

    so I used my ruffler that

    I just love ~ I got mine here ~

    This is my sweet sister's shop :)

    It is easiest for me just to ruffle

    a bunch at a time making it

    any width you like ~

    Then I used the Citra Solv transfer method

    to transfer my image on to the tote ~

    You have to use a printer that uses toner

    to print out the image or it won't transfer ~

    Then I cut my ruffle to the size

    I wanted and you can either

    sew or glue it on ~

    I love to use Fabri Fix because it dries fast

    and is washable ~

    You can add any embellishments

    you would like ~ I added a

    little rolled rose that I glued on

    and an old key tied to the top ~

    That is all !!

    Have fun flea marketing !!

    If you don't want to make your own,

    I will have them for

    sale on my website here ~

    Added later today :)

    This is just another example

    of one without the

    transfer but more ruffles ~

    You can get the little charms here ~

  • 12 Days of Christmas Bags Tutorial

    12 Days of Christmas Bags Tutorial

    We had fun today working
    on a tutorial that is
    super easy ~ We have made
    it even easier with kits
    available on our website :)

    This project we are showing
    early so that you have
    plenty of time to work
    on it before Christmas ~

    These 12 days before
    Christmas bags can be hung
    as we have shown or
    you could put them on
    your Christmas tree ~
    We thought it would be fun
    for children to find the
    number and open a little
    gift for that day ~
    You could fill the bags
    with candy canes
    or a hand written fun
    thing for the day ~
    Use your imagination ~

    1. We have tea dyed the
    bags so the first
    step is to use the citra
    solv method to transfer
    the numbers on the bags ~
    You could also stencil
    numbers on ~

    2. Glue strips of lace
    across the top of the bag ~

    3. Cut a piece of tea dyed
    cheesecloth into a
    2 x 2.5 inch square ~
    Scrunch it in the middle
    and glue it on the lace ~

    4. Glue on a button ~

    Next just fill with
    fun things that can
    be opened each of the
    12 days before Christmas ~

    You can use string with
    clips to hang them
    or you can hang them on
    your tree ~

    If you would like to
    purchase a kit to make
    your own they are
    available here ~

    Have fun!!