Cottage & Family [Search results for Katies Rose Cottage Designs

  • It is Time to Combine

    It is Time to Combine

    I am in the process of combining my two websites

    so have been kind of missing for a few days ~

    I am so very excited to be moving my website,

    Katies Rose Cottage over to my new

    website at Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    I have had Katies Rose Cottage now for 6 years and

    it is time for an update and will be awesome to have both

    websites together ~

    I love the new format and I love the new look !!

    Sign up on my new website mailing list

    for a SPECIAL as soon as I am done !

  • Katies Rose Cottage Designs

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs

    I am loving our new products at Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~ They are just what I had envisioned ~ It has been so much fun !!

    I have been trying to take some pictures for some upcoming advertisements and for some reason the lighting is just not right ~ Do you ever do that, where you move from one window to the next or from one side of the yard to the other but hmmmm.... just not it ~

    Where is my son in law with his mega awesome camera :)

    These are just some that I took today ~

  • Cream & Tarnished

    Cream & Tarnished

    Over the weekend I went to the sale at Cottage Panache and fell in love with all of her gorgeous things in her shop ~

    I got to get some of Lisa's wonderful treasures before she sold out ~

    Soooo I have always been a pink shabby chic girl but Oh my gosh my heart skips a beat over creams and tarnished silver ~

    Rene at Miss Gracie's House has me completely inspired to redo my bedroom, well whole house, in creamy yumminess ~

    I have noticed that alot that I get for my website has these colors too ~ I will never get away from a little touch of pink though as you can see from the pictures ~

    The last post showed some of the things I was working on and these are some of the things I got over the weekend and just listed at Katies Rose Cottage ~

    I just love the soft and relaxing feel of this look ~

    These are a couple of our necklaces that have the same look even though we have more than this at Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    The teapot necklace is new ~

  • Something New

    Something New

    I haven't been blogging for about a week now because

    my mom and dad have been here visiting from California ~

    We always enjoy our times together and I truly miss

    being closer to them ~

    This picture is my dad, mom, hubby and daughter ~

    My mom and I had fun creating one night and worked

    on some vintage bottles and books ~

    They are all on my Katies Rose Cottage website ~

    The other thing I have been working on is adding some of

    our new charms to Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    There will be alot more added over the next few days too ~

    I love all of the new designs so much !

    It is time to list some more or go to bed .... hmmmm ~

  • Jewelry & Canvases

    Jewelry & Canvases

    I just wanted to show you a few new things

    in our shops but we do

    add things almost every day so check back often ~

    These are canvases that have been sealed with beeswax ~

    These can be found at Katies Rose Cottage ~

    We also add different jewelry designs to

    our website, Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    These are a couple of the new necklaces ~

  • It's All About Paris & Crowns

    It's All About Paris & Crowns

    It is all about Paris and Crowns this week at Katies Rose Cottage and Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    Anything Paris and anything with Crowns was hot at Market this year and I was thrilled because they are some of my favorites !!

    Here is just an example of some of the new things we have just listed ~

  • Free Romantic Homes

    Free Romantic Homes

    We are giving away a Free Romantic Homes magazine with any $30 purchase on both of our websites ~

    Make sure you visit Katies Rose Cottage for Feb. 2010 ~
    And Katies Rose Cottage Designs for March 2010 ~
    Read the home pages first to make sure there are some left ~

  • Petite Pillows

    Petite Pillows

    The other day I decided to take my sewing machine out of hiding

    and actually use it again ~ My mom and dad had a sewing machine store

    when I was growing up so I would spend days and days sewing

    after school ~ My dining room table looks like a tornado hit but it is fun sewing again ~

    I am loving making these petite pillows ~ I had this gorgeous gorgeous

    crinoline that has some ripped issues that could not be mended ~

    So it is now sweet little ruffles that will be everywhere because they

    are soooo cute !!

    The pillow with the picture I did not make ~ I love

    the little picture so it is in my guest bedroom ~

    Sweet gift idea using a pillow from Katies Rose Cottage

    and Jewelry and Cards and Tags from Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

  • Cosmetic Bags & Rose Cuff Bracelets

    Cosmetic Bags & Rose Cuff Bracelets

    I am so excited the Fed Ex guy delivered
    ( after ice delay ) a much
    anticipated box of beautiful cosmetic bags
    and rose cuff bracelets ~

    Here is just a peek of a few of what I will be

    putting on my website tonight and tomorrow ~

    They are all handmade and I adore them !

    You can find them at Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

  • Edited Photos * Yay !!!

    Edited Photos * Yay !!!

    I got the images back from James and they came out

    beautiful !

    I am so very excited because Cathy at Avalon Rose is taking

    the images and some of my ideas and giving my

    website, Katies Rose Cottage Designs, a new look !

    It will be awesome ! We are going to be adding some new

    charms and also some new chains that will include some

    multi strand and multi chain pearls ~

    Make sure and become a follower of my blog because

    I will be doing a special as soon as it is up and I have

    my new designs ~

    Thank you again to James Brandon Photography

    and also to The Red Shed for letting us use their shop ~

  • Getting Ready for the Show

    Getting Ready for the Show

    Today I went out to find some displays to use at the Gift Show in Dallas in January ~

    Oh my goodness it is getting closer and closer !!

    I love Dorothy's treasures at the Shabby Y in Lone Star Antique Mall ~ I was really excited that she was there because she is so very talented and helped me with ideas ~

    I ended up getting some awesome frames that I will be using for displaying jewelry and a glittery pink Paris sign ~ My display spot is only 3 feet so I have to think creatively ~

    Make sure and visit The Vintage Rose Boutiques blog for updates on the gals progress getting ready for the show ~

    I have a new website called Katies Rose Cottage Designs that is just for our new line of jewelry debuting at the show ~ The website is there but will not have products for about a month ~

    These are some pictures of the Shabby Y ~

  • Dallas Market Here We Come !!!

    Dallas Market Here We Come !!!

    I am so excited that the Dallas Home & Gift Show is right around the corner !!
    We have been busy working on our new jewelry line that will be debuting at the show ~ You can get a sneak peek at some of the products on our
    sister site at Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    We will be displaying along with some wonderfully talented ladies at our booth, Vintage Rose Boutiques, booth # 2327 ~ Make sure and drop by and say hi if you are going to be at the show on January 15-18 ~

    This is a look at the inside of one of the buildings at market ~

  • Time for a Giveaway

    Time for a Giveaway
    Congratulations to Terri of
    Designs by Terri Gordon for being
    the winner !!
    We used Tara Frey's random number generator,
    which you can find here, to pick the number ~

    I have been gone for a few days with my hubby in Branson ~ We had alot of fun going to cute shops and a couple of shows ~

    Now though it is time to get back and have a giveaway ~~

    YAYYYY I love love giveaways ~

    It is easy ~ Enter one time for each of these things ~

    1. Leave a comment

    2. Follow my Blog

    3. Do a blog post about the giveaway with a link back

    We will announce the winner on March 21st ~

    This is what you can win ~

    A Necklace, Earrings and a matching Card & Tag ~ These are all from our

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs website ~

  • Time for Earrings

    Time for Earrings

    We have just added more earrings to
    Katies Rose Cottage Designs and you can get a pair Free !
    With every necklace purchase you will get a free pair of
    earrings ~~
    This is through Sunday March 28th ~

    These are not included in the free earrings but

    I just adore them :)

  • Broken Camera & Free Shipping

    Broken Camera & Free Shipping

    Oh my goodness it has been tooo long since

    I have done a blog post !!

    I cannot believe how fast time flies !

    Yesterday I took all of the new stuff I have

    been working on and some of my recent Canton finds

    outside to take pictures ~

    I love to take them outside because there is about a half hour

    in the day when the sun is just right ~

    Well I am primping and clicking away and then

    came in to download my pictures ~

    AHHHHHH my camera died !! Not one of the pictures came out

    and of course I had not been checking them along the way ~

    I am not sure why ~

    Sooooo I have really loved my Canon Rebel but I am going to

    see if I can find a little camera that will take great close ups

    but that will also be handy to carry with me places ~

    I also wanted to let you know that

    we have free shipping right now

    with any order of $30 or more at

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    Start thinking Christmas gifts :)

  • Leather & Lace with Bling

    Leather & Lace with Bling

    It is all about cuff bracelets

    this year and I LOVE them!!

    There is nothing better than

    Romantic Vintage Laces combined

    with Vintage Jewels or

    what about a little Leather and

    alot of Bling!!

    They are going fast but

    I am trying to continue

    getting them in stock ~

    You can find them at

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

  • It's a WOOHOO Post !!!

    It's a WOOHOO Post !!!

    I am sooooo excited because I won 2 blog giveaways !!

    I have never in a gazillion years

    won anything until the wonderful

    world of blogging !

    Enter because it is so much fun !!

    The first one was from The Attic

    and it is the most wonderful

    smelling soap bar and chandelier tea towel ~

    I am dying to

    go to Coronado Island to visit their shop !!

    The next one was from Dore' at Burlap Luxe ~

    They are wonderful

    smelling things from Eco Natural Soap ~

    I cannot wait to try them but I wanted

    to show you a picture of them all wrapped up ~

    There was also lip balm but it is in my purse :)

    I also wanted to show you a little of

    what I have been working on

    the last couple of days ~

    They are all on my website at

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    Have a wonderful rest of the week !!

  • Summer Sale !

    Summer Sale !

    We are having a Summer Sale at
    Katies Rose Cottage Designs !!

    Get 15% off your entire order
    through midnight on July 8th ~

  • Newly Added Charm Frames

    Newly Added Charm Frames

    We are back from vacation and

    I am ready to rock and roll

    listing things on my website ~

    It is a joy to love what I do !!

    Today I added more blank Charm Frames

    so you can create your own charms ~

    They are fast and easy to do ~

    You can find the Charm tutorial here ~

    Some of the Charm Frames were cast for

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs only

    so you will not find them other places ~

    You can find them here and

    also watch for more being added soon~

  • New Wedding Charms

    New Wedding Charms

    I am still working on listing new products at

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    These are some of the wedding charms that

    I got in that are so pretty ~ I love them !

    We also have some wonderful pearl necklaces and will be

    adding more next week ~

    Have a great weekend !