Cottage & Family [Search results for Fall

  • Tons of Vintage Roses

    Tons of Vintage Roses

    Please join Katies Rose Cottage and the participating shops at Make Mine Pink for the Friday Shopping Event ~
    This week's theme is "Working Round the House" ~

    With fall just around the corner and school starting alot of women start to "nest" ~ it is time to get our homes all cozy and fill them with what makes us happy and content ~
    On my recent Flea Market trip I found some beautiful things to do just that ~
    Just click on the picture to be taken to them ~

    And for Friday only, you will receive a FREE pink vintage style brooch with
    every purchase of $20 or more ~

  • ~Just a Sneak Peak ~

    ~Just a Sneak Peak ~

    Oh my goodness !!! I think my feet are going to fall off at any moment but I have had so much fun at market !! It is sooo big and soooo overwhelming!!! I thought for sure I would be done after 2 full days but there is still more to see and do so I am going back on Sunday ~ Here is another sneak peak of some goodies that will be coming soon! I am so excited !!! WOOHOO ~ So vintage, shabby and pink chic !!!

  • Fall to Winter in 12 Hours

    Fall to Winter in 12 Hours

    Just yesterday I took pictures of the Sweetgum trees in our front yard ~
    the leaves were so beautiful and the sun was shining through so crisp and clean ~

    This morning we awoke to snow falling ~ It seems a bit early in the year for Texas but I guess the weather is pretty unpredictable ~ I laugh when I am bundling up for the cold weather because native Texans don't think it gets cold here ~

    I am a California girl and yes it certainly does get cold !

  • I've Been Tagged

    I've Been Tagged

    I was tagged by Priscilla of Flea Market Queen to tell you 7 weird things about myself ~ hmmmm..... okay here it goes ....

    1. If I see some great trash in someones trash pile, I will stop or make my family stop ~ they get so mad at me :o)

    2. I would rather shop at a flea market than a mall

    3. I fall asleep in movie theatres almost every time I go

    4. I love spring and hate winter and really don't like the hot summer either ~ I kind of like just that perfect weather, I need to live in Hawaii

    5. I can count on my fingers how many times I have worn high heals

    6. I adore traveling !!! I guess that isn't so weird .... but I would be thrilled to hit thrift stores or flea markets no matter where I am and I usually do

    7. I am almost always freezing cold ~ I think I might be looking forward to hot flashes ~ remind me I said that when I am going through them ~ :O)

  • Tornado Creations

    Tornado Creations

    So suddenly ( well not so suddenly, I guess ) I realize

    that fall is here and winter is coming~

    I am not like 99.9% of the world who love

    cold weather so I am somewhat disturbed by the thought ~

    Today I had plans to take some new pictures and it POURED

    along with thunder, lightning and the tornado siren ~

    I remember when we first moved to Texas from California .... we

    would get in the bathtub with a mattress over our head for

    every siren ~ It was so exciting !

    That passed after the first couple of years of life here and instead

    I made pocket pillows during the possible lurking tornado ~

    The lighting once again stunk so I had

    to take these pictures with a flash which is a TOTAL no no !

    Anyhow here are some pictures of things I made and

    listed during the hubbub of my workshop

    flooding and the sirens blaring ~

    ( I don't sew in my workshop )

    You can find all of this at Katies Rose Cottage ~