So suddenly ( well not so suddenly, I guess ) I realize
that fall is here and winter is coming~
I am not like 99.9% of the world who love
cold weather so I am somewhat disturbed by the thought ~
Today I had plans to take some new pictures and it POURED
along with thunder, lightning and the tornado siren ~
I remember when we first moved to Texas from California .... we
would get in the bathtub with a mattress over our head for
every siren ~ It was so exciting !
That passed after the first couple of years of life here and instead
I made pocket pillows during the possible lurking tornado ~
The lighting once again stunk so I had
to take these pictures with a flash which is a TOTAL no no !
Anyhow here are some pictures of things I made and
listed during the hubbub of my workshop
flooding and the sirens blaring ~
( I don't sew in my workshop )

You can find all of this at Katies Rose Cottage ~