Cottage & Family [Search results for Dallas Home Gift Market

  • Dallas Gift Market & Make Mine Pink Show & Tell Monday

    Dallas Gift Market & Make Mine Pink Show & Tell Monday

    I just spent the day at the Dallas Home and Gift Market ~ it is beyond HUGE and pretty much overstimulating ~
    I ordered tons of awesome things that I cannot wait to get on my website ~
    So what was the trend of this market ???

    CROWNS ~ it was all about crowns, skeleton keys and chandeliers ~ I was sooo excited because those are some of my very favorite things ~ I also ordered some pretty vintage looking pink and silver Christmas goodies ~
    Ohhhh and birds are still very very big ~ I love anything with birds too so I was pretty excited about that too ~

  • Dallas Home & Gift Market Gorgeousness!!

    Dallas Home & Gift Market Gorgeousness!!

    Yesterday my girls and I

    went to the Dallas Home & Gift Show ~

    Oh my goodness to say that I LOVED

    the style of so many places is a total

    understatement !!! It was somewhat

    overwhelming ~

    Here are just a few pictures of some of the

    yummy stuff !!

    The pictures are with my Iphone so they aren't

    very good but I couldn't resist taking some ~

    There is no way to see it all

    in one day so I am ready

    to hit the road to go back as soon as I

    am done blogging :)

    Stephanie and Kristin ~ My babies !

    Dang they grow up quick!!

  • Dallas Home & Gift Show

    Dallas Home & Gift Show

    It is the Dallas Home & Gift Show time again and I was so anxious to see what the new stuff is going to be for next year ~

    "Market" is only twice a year in Dallas ~ once in January and then in June ~ We displayed in January but aren't this time ~ We will be back there in January again though :)

    There were alot of bright colors but my favorite were the creamy items ~ They were everywhere which thrilled me because I LOVE them ~

    Here are just a few pictures of some yummy things ~ some of which we will have in our shop ~

    I want this sofa ~ It had a print on it too which is hard to see ~

    This is a lamp that was beyond amazing !

    There is free food and drinks everywhere ~ this is at one of the showrooms for a Mexican lunch ~ You definitely do not leave hungry at the end of the day ~

    Well I am off to scour my catalogs that I collected and hit it again tomorrow and Sunday

    I am supposed to be in Las Vegas with my hubby but the flights were packed full so market it is ~

    It is fun though !

  • Dallas Home & Gift Show

    Dallas Home & Gift Show

    I got to go to the Dallas Home & Gift Show

    the last couple of days and just loved

    some of things that I saw ~

    Whites, Creams, Greys and Flea Market find type

    items were all over the place ~

    I loved this light fixture and the

    one down farther with the silverware ~

  • Dallas Gift Market

    Dallas Gift Market

    I look so forward to going to the Dallas gift markets that are a couple times a year ~ the Jan. market started today ~ I was ready to go bright and early this morning although I was kind of stressed a little bit when the news this morning said that over 50,000 people have come to Dallas to go ~ I am not much for huge crowds, I am a "find the hidden treasure kind of gal" ~ but..... off I went to see what the new trends are ~

    It was tons of fun and I am ready to go back on Friday, I can't wait !!! There is so much to see !! I saw alot of soft pink Christmas trees so that made me happy ~ this show shows alot of holiday for next Christmas ~ ahhhh!!! next Christmas... I need spring and summer first, my Christmas isn't even up in the attic yet ~

    This is a picture of one of the three buildings and this is just a teeny tiny portion ~

    I will show you more on Friday when I get home ~ I am bound and determined to be there at 7:00 in the morning so I can park somewhat closer than the top floor of the parking complex that is way too far away ~ I also want the Starbucks coffee and Krispy Kreme donuts that they have ~ I am thinking I will hopefully walk of the million calories of the donut ~

  • Dallas Market Here We Come !!!

    Dallas Market Here We Come !!!

    I am so excited that the Dallas Home & Gift Show is right around the corner !!
    We have been busy working on our new jewelry line that will be debuting at the show ~ You can get a sneak peek at some of the products on our
    sister site at Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    We will be displaying along with some wonderfully talented ladies at our booth, Vintage Rose Boutiques, booth # 2327 ~ Make sure and drop by and say hi if you are going to be at the show on January 15-18 ~

    This is a look at the inside of one of the buildings at market ~

  • Free Romantic Homes Magazines !

    Free Romantic Homes Magazines !

    Well the closet is clean and I have

    moved on to more closets :)

    So since I don't do alot of pink anymore

    and that is what I have alot of in

    closets ~ I am listing it in my Flea Market

    category as well as some of the other

    categories on my website ~

    The Dallas Home & Gift Show is next

    week and I am dying to BUY stuff !!

    So I have to clear out the old

    to bring in more !

    Here are some Flea Market Category things ~

    Also I am not going to be carrying magazines

    anymore so .......

    We have buy a Romantic Homes

    Bedrooms and Bathrooms and get a Kitchens

    for free !

    And with a purchase of $30 or more you

    can get a free Romantic Homes February

    which is sooo gorgeous !!

  • Market Preparations

    Market Preparations

    If you are new to my blog ~ I am going to the Dallas Home and Gift Show in January with some other talented ladies ~ This is an update from our blog at Vintage Rose Boutiques ~

    I just wanted to give you a little update on our market preparations.
    We have all been working getting our lines ready to go which is very exciting !

    One of the things we are doing in between working on products is trying to
    figure out what to decorate our booth with. We want it to have a Cottage feel and are each finding things that will display our products as well as keep to this look.

    As we have been out and about over the few weeks we have found things and created things that will be just perfect.
    These are just some ideas of items that we love and think about using but know
    that the booth is not huge so we can't bring everything.

  • The Vintage Rose Boutique Girls Are Expanding

    The Vintage Rose Boutique Girls Are Expanding

    Something Big is Coming ...
    Get Ready !!!

    Our shops will be expanding with some
    Beautiful new additions !

    Make sure and check the Vintage Rose Boutiques Blog often to meet
    the shop owners,
    get updates, highlights and sneak peeks

    ~We will be displaying our new lines at the
    Dallas Total Home & Gift Market in January, 2010.~