Cottage & Family [Search results for vintage lace

  • Thrift Store Lace Bag Tutorial

    Thrift Store Lace Bag Tutorial

    We love to create things with
    vintage lace from Canton and other
    flea markets, but what if you
    don't have access to flea markets?

    {this is part of our vintage stash }

    We decided to see what we could
    find at local thrift stores and
    made a fun shopping day out of it!

    Digging through all the old clothes
    was such fun and we found some great
    dresses and shirts to create
    lace and ruffles ~

    This full lace dress was only $1.99!

    Isaac was worn out from all our shopping :)

    Here are some of our finds ~

    Next, we made black tea and tea dyed
    the white lace and dresses ~

    Just hang them in the sun to dry ~

    Once they were dry, we cut up
    the dresses to get the fabric
    we needed for our project ~

    We used a tea dyed muslin
    drawstring bag ~

    We pinned the lace to the bag
    and cut and gathered the skirt fabric
    to make a ruffle for the bottom of the bag.
    We then sewed the lace
    and the ruffle to the bag ~

    Afterwards, we chose buttons,
    a tattered rose, and lace to
    embellish the bag. This is where
    you want to get creative!
    *Click here for the rose tutorial ~

    Here is the final project!

    And another bag from a
    baby girl dress we found ~

    We had so much fun today!
    Go to your thrift store for inspiration :)

  • Easy Peasy Bottle Tutorial

    Easy Peasy Bottle Tutorial

    I just was creating some bottles for my website and

    figured it was time for a blog post ~

    Soooo I decided to take some pictures along the way ~

    They are crummy pictures because it was late and the

    lighting stunk ~

    Anyway they are super duper easy but really fun and

    you can be creative with tons of variations ~

    First gather your stuff to use ~

    I am using vintage bridal lace, crinkled seam binding,

    a vintage skeleton key and vintage jewelry for this bottle ~

    Then I cut the lace to fit the bottle and used

    Modge Podge to make it stick to the bottle ~

    Next I tied on a vintage skeleton key with

    tea dyed and crinkled ribbon ~

    The tutorial is here for the ribbon ~

    And last you just hot glue on a vintage piece of jewelry ~

    Here are some other variations that I have done recently ~

    It is fun to gather old pieces of lace, ribbons, broken jewelry

    and just start creating !

    { I have had tons of questions on where to get the

    bottles ~ I just find them at flea markets }

  • Vintage Lace Cuffs & Tattered Roses

    Vintage Lace Cuffs & Tattered Roses

    I just listed, on my website,

    some more

    Vintage Lace Cuffs and

    Tattered Vintage Rose Pins ~

    I had to do a post on them

    because I love them all piled

    together :)

  • ~ Vintage Lined Traincase ~

    ~ Vintage Lined Traincase ~

    I just added another vintage lined traincase to my website ~ if you haven't seen these before, they are vintage traincases that have been painted and have rose appliques on the front ~ this one is lined in Rachel Ashwell fabric and has vintage lace trimming ~ it is filled with some wonderful vintage items ~ You can find this at Katies Rose Cottage in the Treasured Memories category ~

  • Vintage Lace Flea Market Totes

    Vintage Lace Flea Market Totes

    Today I piled my dining room

    table full of vintage lace,

    ribbons, buttons and just stuff ~

    It is so relaxing to me to just

    sit and create ❤

    This is a new rendition of my

    Flea Market Tote that I did last year

    and I LOVE it!! There is something

    about laces all arranged together

    that is so pretty ~

    I am trying to play around with

    PicMonkey too :) I am really liking

    it alot!!

    Pre PicMonkey~

    and after PicMonkey ~

  • Vintage Lace & Bottles

    Vintage Lace & Bottles

    Today I got all of the
    lace out of my flea market
    shopping cart and got
    busy tea dying it ~

    The hot sun today was
    perfect for drying the
    lace fast :)

    I needed a good drying
    rack though and
    remembered this ladder
    in my yard ~

    It worked perfect!!

    The rungs gave alot
    of area to drape the
    lace over ~

    After it was dry
    and ironed I got busy
    creating the bottles in
    the picture above for
    a shop in San Diego ~

    My very favorite
    part of what I do is
    the creating part ❤

    post signature
  • Vintage Buttons, Skeleton Keys & Lace

    Vintage Buttons, Skeleton Keys & Lace

    I just adore vintage buttons and skeleton keys
    so I collect them everywhere I go ~

    Last year I bought one of Dawn from The Feathered Nest's tutorials,
    I love them all !
    I wanted to play with some of the vintage buttons and skeleton keys so I made
    little picture holders using old salt and pepper shakers ~

    This is also some lace that was added to my website last night~
    It is wrapped around a tea dyed stamped tag that is ohhhh so cute !

    If you would like to purchase the little picture holders or lace cards
    you can find them in our Vintage Finds Category ~

  • Leather & Lace Bags

    Leather & Lace Bags

    I have done a post before on

    leather and lace but I just

    wanted to inspire you again on

    finding vintage leather bags

    and embellishing them with doilies

    and lace ~

    I found these at a flea market

    recently but I have to say,

    here in Texas, vintage leather

    bags are very few and far between ~

    I think they are kind of sought after!

    It is fun to grab a pile of

    doilies and just play around

    with placement until you like

    how they look ~

    I glued mine on with Fabri Fix

    that works great with fabric and leather ~

    I also added a flower to the front

    that was also created using

    vintage laces and doilies ~

    Here is how they looked

    before ~

  • Vintage Bling

    Vintage Bling

    Every time I go to Canton, or to any flea market for that matter, I have something in particular that I am really really hunting for ~ I am always looking for old china with pink roses, architectural finds, lace, old linens ~ all of those things are so much fun to look for but this time I was looking for vintage rhinestone jewelry ~ It is so hard to find lately ~ I guess I am not the only one looking for it ~

    I hit a treasure chest at one of the vendors ~ he had a bag stuffed away because he didn't think anybody would want it ~ it was full of broken rhinestone jewelry ~

    I was sooo excited because that is what I was looking for so I can embellish more soldered charms with it ~

    Then I spotted a vintage tiara that was kind of shoved to the side and asked him about it ~ he didn't think anyone would want that either ~ I almost bought a new one because I love them but I am so glad to have found a vintage one !! That is even better ~
    You will see a lot of this tiara in my pictures :o)

    I am not sure what the "thing" will be next month but it is fun to dig in those hidden spot because you never know what you will find . . . .

  • Creamy Fabric Bags

    Creamy Fabric Bags

    I am just loving soft whites and creamy colors so much lately ~ I am not sure what it is ~

    Tonight I decided to make some more of these sweet little bags ~ they are tea stained, stamped and have some vintage lace along the top and bottom ~

    They are stuffed with vintage crumpled paper that I got from Lisa at Tarnished and Tattered ~

    You can find them on our website ~

  • Vintage Lace Roses

    Vintage Lace Roses

    It has been alot of fun making the little pillows ~ today I got on a roll while I was watching a movie and started making roses out of old lace fabric that has been tea stained ~ ( I am thinking that is a run on sentence ....)

    They will be adorning more pillows soon ~

    You can get a great and easy to follow tutorial at Everyday Chaos ~

  • Vintage Leather & Lace

    Vintage Leather & Lace

    When I was at the flea market

    last week I found these really

    cool old leather camera bags ~

    I am loving the look of leather

    and lace right now so wanted to

    embellish them with some vintage

    lace ~

    I think the two larger ones would

    work perfect as purses and the little

    one is just cute!

    This is what they looked like

    when I bought them ~

    I can tell I will be on the

    hunt for old leather bags more often now :)

  • Beautiful Vintage Sewing Machine Drawers

    Beautiful Vintage Sewing Machine Drawers

    My friend Pat at My Tattered Elegance has created a gorgeous piece using

    a set of vintage sewing machine drawers ~

    She has done a crazy quilt on the top all by hand ~

    The lace has been handpainted with dye, the beads are hand

    sewn on and she has done beautiful silk ribbon embroidery ~

    There are also vintage buttons and rhinestone pieces ~

    I have seen this in person and it is beyond gorgeous !!

    To find out how you can purchase it you can by going here ~

  • Pipe Cleaner Roses

    Pipe Cleaner Roses

    So what do you do on a snowy day in when you should be cleaning the house ?
    You watch the Martha Stewart Show and make Pipe Cleaner rings with the Pipe Cleaner Lady ~ Who would of thought :)
    Click here for the link to her segment on that show ~

    I really really wanted to make a soft vintage pink one but I only had silver ~ So I antiqued the silver ones with some stain and then wrapped it around vintage hymnal music, tea stained seam binding and lace ~ and Voila ! a vintage vignette piece ~
    I cannot wait to get some pink ~ Do they make aged looking pink pipe cleaners ? Hmmmm .....

  • Leather & Lace with Bling

    Leather & Lace with Bling

    It is all about cuff bracelets

    this year and I LOVE them!!

    There is nothing better than

    Romantic Vintage Laces combined

    with Vintage Jewels or

    what about a little Leather and

    alot of Bling!!

    They are going fast but

    I am trying to continue

    getting them in stock ~

    You can find them at

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

  • Lavender Sachet Tutorial

    Lavender Sachet Tutorial

    Remember the lavender that I brought home from California ~

    It smells soooo good !

    I have been making lavender sachets with it that have been alot

    of fun to do ~

    This is just a quick tutorial on how to make them ~

    They are easy peasy !

    First start with a piece of fabric ( I use vintage that I have tea dyed ) ~

    Stamp the image or images you would like to use ~

    I tear the edges so that they will fray ~

    Next with another piece of fabric cut the size you want it to be ~

    This one is 7.5 by 10 inches giving me 1/4 inch seam allowances ~

    Sew on your stamped image pieces ~

    Then fold your fabric in half right sides together leaving

    a space at the bottom to turn and stuff it ~

    When you are done sewing turn it right side out, iron

    and stuff with just a little batting and I put 2 generous

    spoonfuls of lavender ~

    Next turn in the raw edges of your open spot and sew ~

    I use my machine because then I am going to sew on lace so

    it is okay ~ You can hand sew it if you would like ~

    The next step is to embellish with whatever little things that

    you want ~ On this one I used gathered tea stained dryer sheets,

    seam binding and vintage buttons ~

    I also like to stamp the fabric after it is sewn but before the

    stuffing ~

    It is fun and they smell yummy !

    If you don't want to make them yourself

    then you can find them at Katies Rose Cottage ~

  • Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    It is time for another Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and the participating shops at Make Mine Pink ~~ Whew !!! where do the weeks go !!

    This weeks theme is Vintage Linens ~ Linens and lace are things that I just love love to collect and even though I have a ton of them, I am always adding more ~ there is something about linens and old doilies and lace that just is beautiful and treasured ~

    Okay, I am off to list more things ~ they will be on the website in the Pink Friday category by midnight tonight or whenever I go to bed ~

  • Baby Shoes & Pocket Pillows

    Baby Shoes & Pocket Pillows

    It is time to get back to work after a long weekend so I have listed

    two little Altered Baby Shoes and some Vintage Cottage Pillows

    on my website, Katies Rose Cottage ~

    Tomorrow is Canton !! WOOHOO !! I love love Canton ~

    I am in need of more lace and always on the hunt for silver so that

    is my goal tomorrow ~

    I have been having a blast at Photofunia ~ it is kind of addicting !!

  • Beeswax Altered Canvas

    Beeswax Altered Canvas

    I was having fun working with Beeswax today so I thought I would do a tutorial as I was playing around ~
    I just love the look of Beeswax and have been working on some altered canvases ~

    ~ Altered Beeswax Canvas Tutorial ~

    First you decide what paper pieces you would like to use and then you adhere them to your canvas ~ I use Modge Podge ~

    Then to give it an aged look take any brown tone ink and just randomly sponge ~ Make sure and do the edges too ~

    When you have all of the paper items that you would like on your canvas it is time to paint over it all with your melted beeswax ~ I melted mine in a tiny crock pot and paint it on with a cheap brush because the brush will be ruined ~ the beeswax gives it a really neat look ~ I did not wax over my lace this time but you can do that if you want ~

    The next step is to add embellishments ~ I love tea dyed and crinkled seam binding so I added it along with some roses and vintage buttons ~ these are hot glued on ~

    That is it !! So easy and fun !

    If you want to purchase the finished canvas you can get it here ~

    This is another one that I just finished ~

  • Flower Frog Obsession

    Flower Frog Obsession

    I have to confess about my flower frog obsession ~ it is so funny how I go through stages where I am looking for something in particular when I go to the flea market ~ besides being on the forever hunt for vintage rose china, lace, doilies, and petticoats, I have been looking for old metal flower frogs ~

    This is just to show you how pretty they can be in a vignette ~ I may even be selling some tomorrow for pink Friday if I can part with them ~