Cottage & Family [Search results for tie dye

  • Tie Dye

    Tie Dye

    My sister and niece are here right now from California so I have been spending most of my time with them and my two girls ~ we are having a great time visiting and shopping and just goofing around ~

    My daughter's boyfriend made her a tie dye shirt ~ some girls on campus at their college were making them and he thought he would give it a try and then gave it to her ~ well we decided that we needed him to teach us how to do it because we thought it would be fun to wear them on our family vacation in October to Disneyworld ~ it was so much fun, we ran to Wal Mart and got all of the dye and T-shirts and became hippies for the day ~ It was a crack up because we were tie dying everything we could find that was white ~

    Here are a few pictures of the end products ~

    This is my sister, Kim making one for her husband ~

    This is my neice ~

    This is me ~

    These are my two girls' creations ~

    We had t-shirts hanging everywhere ~

    Sooo this is where I have been but I can tell you that my market orders are arriving so they will be on the website soon !

  • More Disney World Fun

    More Disney World Fun

    Yesterday we spent the day at Animal Kingdom in our tie dye shirts that we made over the summer and posted a while back ~ We looked like such dorks but it was really easy to find each other ~ It was alot of fun seeing the animals on the Safari ride but Expedition Everest was our favorite ~

    Here we are even being bigger dorks with our It's a Bug's Life 3-D glasses ~ they are pretty darn cute ~

    It rained like crazy in the afternoon at Animal Kingdom ~ of course it was the one day we didn't bring our ponchos ~

    This is from the front, my daughter, niece and her fiance ~

    Today we went to Epcot and tasted foods from around the world at their wine and cheese festival ~ it was great today because the crowds were super light and there wasn't any rain ~ My favorite country to visit was Italy and Paris but they were all fun ~

    Our girls in Italy at Epcot ~