I have been really really wanting to
go shopping in
McKinney Texas for quite awhile now ~
Today I decided to hop in the car
and hit the road ~
McKinney has the cutest old town square
with great shops
and the most wonderful old homes
all around the square ~
So I took quite a few pictures of the shops
in the
square and what am I going to show you ?
A Bathroom !!
I asked Patina Green if I could
take pictures and blog
because I pretty much adore their shop !!
You can buy
fresh breads and produce there,
eat there and buy gorgeous
home decor there ~
But after gallons of ice tea on my drive I had to (check out)
the bathroom there ~
Ohhhhh my gosh I was in love !
Maybe it is because
we are in the process of getting quotes on our
horrible, ugly bathroom ~
Here are some pictures I took while about 4 women
(probably dying) were waiting outside the door for me
to hurry up ~
These pictures were with my Iphone so not so great ~

I will show you more pictures I took in a couple days of their shop and
around McKinney ~
I have to say what drew me to McKinney today in the first place
was Annie Sloan Chalk Paint that is available at
Lady Butterbug's ~
Mr. & Mrs. Butterbug are pretty much the sweetest
couple ever!!
I signed up for a class and bought a kit and
am ready to go!!!
I am so excited to try Chalk Paint after reading about it
pretty much everywhere !

I found the old brush in one of the antique shops and had to have it just
for pictures :) I am wondering if
old brushes will be a new flea market hunt of mine ....