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  • Photo Shoot

    Photo Shoot

    This last Saturday James from
    James Brandon Photograpy
    did a photo shoot for my Jewelry website,
    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    Kristin, my daughter,
    modeled for us in a vintage prom dress
    and also a petticoat and of course, jewelry ~

    It was tons of fun and I am so excited to see
    James work his magic with the pictures ~

    Here are just a few pictures that I took
    of James and Kristin while we were there ~

    Thank you Red Shed Antiques for letting us use your yard ~
    It worked out great !

    Kristin couldn't contain her goofiness any longer !

    I will be showing you the "real" pictures soon ~

  • More California Fun

    More California Fun

    I am sitting at the airport waiting to head back home to HOT Texas ~ It has been really nice being in California but it is time to go home ~

    I love to go to Paso Robles and wander around the shops there ~ One of the places we went was "We Olive" where you can taste everything and it is yummy !

    This is my sister and mom trying something good I am sure ~

    This is some of the olive oils and balsamic vinegars to taste ~

    Another shop I love to go to is "The Cottage" ~ Sandi has wonderful antiques and home decor in her shop ~

    I want to start carrying lavender items on my website so we stopped at a lavender farm ~ I always seem to drag my mom and my sister to a lavender farm when I am in California ~ You should smell my suitcase right now full of this ~

    We went for walks every evening and it was stinking cold so I had to borrow warmth since it was hard to even imagine packing for cold ~

    My mom and dad live on a mountain that overlooks 3 cities ~ It is absolutely a gorgeous view ~ I could sit on their deck for hours and wander around their gardens full of beautiful flowers ~

    There are always deer roaming around which is so much fun to me to see ~

    This is LAX today ~ Oh my gosh I think everyone is cramming the last trip in before school starts ~ It is a total zoo !

    Well it is getting time to board my next flight on my journey home ~