Join us for PINK Friday on June 13 for your exclusive invitation to “Shopping with a Twist” as the Boutiques at Make Mine Pink present "Kitschy Kitchen Ideas." Do you decorate your kitchen with cherries on the wallpaper, all rose china, vintage tablecloths? You will find it all and much, much more on Friday.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Here is a sampling of some of the kitchen goodies that I will have at Katies Rose Cottage ~ You can get to the Pink Friday items here or by clicking on the Pink Friday logo on our website home page ~
We got home from vacation late last night and are trying to get back in the swing of things ~ I don't know why it seems so hard to get back to normal life ~
Before we left I went on a shopping trip for a couple of days to stock up on some treasures and found alot of them ~ It was soooo much fun !! I will be listing them over the next couple of days in between catching up on orders ~ Here is a sneak peek of what is coming ~
I have to confess about my flower frog obsession ~ it is so funny how I go through stages where I am looking for something in particular when I go to the flea market ~ besides being on the forever hunt for vintage rose china, lace, doilies, and petticoats, I have been looking for old metal flower frogs ~
This is just to show you how pretty they can be in a vignette ~ I may even be selling some tomorrow for pink Friday if I can part with them ~
I am on my way to Canton tomorrow for 2 days ~ I am hoping that I will find alot of treasures specifically more rose china ~ last month was awesome beyond belief !!! I am on the hunt for crinoline skirts, pink doilies, china ( of course ) and vintage mercury Christmas balls as well as anything else that catches my eye ~ they had the Christmas balls last month but they were $15 a box ~
I will leave you with some of the new soldered charms that have just been added in the Jewelry category ~ most of the charms have been embellished with German glass glitter ~ I just love the sparkle that it gives ~
I got a wild hair to go visit my friend in Kansas this week for a couple of days and do some antique shopping ~ they have wonderful shops there that I love to explore ~ I always feel like I am at Mayberry because the towns are like stepping back in time ~
I just took a carry on suitcase with me and packed really light so I could carry my treasures home ~ We hit the ground running from the time I got off the plane until the next evening when I flew home ~
I found some gorgeous china and really could have left it for my next driving visit or ship it home but I wanted to see if I could carry it with me ~ I was so excited that I could put all of my fun treasures in my suitcase ~ It was sooo heavy, you should have seen me trying to lift it in the overhead ~
I was thrilled with the pretty pink rose plates and also loved the blues too !
On the way to the airport we stopped at a huge antique mall but only had a short amount of time to explore it ~ I will be headed there first next visit which has to be real soon !
This is a picture of one of the booths ~ there was so much to look in this mall and each booth was jammed packed ~ it was kind of overwhelming ~
It was a fun but quick trip so I have to go back soon ~
I will be listing the new treasures on my website in the Vintage Finds category this weekend ~