Cottage & Family [Search results for Simply Swank

  • Solder Tutorial

    Solder Tutorial

    I decided it was time to do a quick solder tutorial with this sooo sweet bird stamp ~

    So here it goes ~

    Step 1: Cut out your image ~ one for the front and one for the back ~

    The same size as the glass you will use ~ I am using 2x3 inch glass ~

    Step 2 : Glue the front image to the back image and then place between

    your 2 pieces of glass ~

    Step 3 : Line the edge of the glass with copper tape ~

    Step 4 : Press down the tap with a bone folder ~

    Step 5 : Put flux on the tape or the solder will not stick to it ~

    I use Simply Swank Flux ~

    Step 6 : Use solder and a solder gun and line the copper tape ~

    The solder will flow right on to the tape ~

    Step 7 : I put 2 rings on the top of this one but you can use as many as you

    want ~

    Step 8 : Tie with ribbon ~ I am not sure what I will do with this

    but it will be on a project soon ~

    I have some supplies on clearance and you can also get them at Simply Swank
    and it is all pink too !!

    I have also purchased alot of my glass here ~

  • Soldered Charm Supplies Now Available

    Soldered Charm Supplies Now Available

    We are so excited to carry supplies for making soldered charms ~ Simply Swank soldered charm items are perfect for us too because they are all pink ! I love it !

    They are all at an introductory price of
    15 % off for a short time only ~
    Get them in our "Create It Yourself" Category at this amazing price while you can ~