Cottage & Family [Search results for Disney World

  • Back to Disney World

    Back to Disney World

    Our youngest daughter just moved back home from college until January 12th when she will check in to be a college intern at Disney World ~~
    She is sooo excited !!! ~ When our girls were little we used to go to Disneyland at least once a year because we lived in California and so they both grew up loving it ~
    She will be there until the end of May so I am sure we will visit at least a couple of times ~ woohoo !!!

    Texas has been way too cold the last few days so I was dreaming of the warm weather and wonderful time that we had in October when we were at Disney World ~

    This is from the left, my daughter Kristin, sister Kim, daughter Steph and niece Chelsey ~

    This is a pic from the left, my daughter Kristin, sister Kim, niece Chelsey and me ~

    We all love Tigger and Pooh because they are so happy !

    Well back to thoughts of Christmas ~

  • Disney World Vacation

    Disney World Vacation

    We are sitting in the airport and I decided to blog while we

    wait for the plane ~ It is the first internet service we have had all week ~

    We just spent the week at Disney World which was a blast !! I think

    we need a vacation from our vacation and definitely

    a diet plan when we get home ~ We did the food plan at

    Disney and they feed you sooo much and it was all yummy !

    This is Germany at Epcot ~ I love Epcot pretty much because I love

    to travel and want to visit all of the countries represented there ~

    This is our daughters Kristin and Stephanie at the Boardwalk ~

    We always have to get our toes in the sand somewhere ~

    This is our daughters and their hubbies and my hubby at Epcot ~

    We also love love Animal Kingdom ~ It is awesome !

    I had to get a pic of this trailer because I wanted to take it home with me ~

    Of course the Dino thing would have to go but it would be so cute !

    The boys were so excited to get their pix taken ..... again ~

    Well it is back to listing tons of new stuff on my website ~

    I am glad that I love what I do !!

  • Family Vacation

    Family Vacation

    We have had a family vacation planned for about a year and it finally is here !
    My sister's family and my family all met in Florida at Disney World on Sunday ~
    We were talking about how it just used to be her and I and our husbands, just the four of us when we vacationed and now our family has grown to 11 of us ~

    We arrived on Sunday at the Orlando airport and got a six day park hopper to Disney World ~ the first day we just had a few hours so we started at Hollywood Studios and hit Tower of Terror first ~ it was alot of fun and was great because the lines were fairly short ~

    Today we went to Magic Kingdom which is alot like Disneyland but smaller ~ It was packed packed with people so we left in the late afternoon and just hung out at our condo ~

    I will try and post pics along the way ~

  • More Disney World Fun

    More Disney World Fun

    Yesterday we spent the day at Animal Kingdom in our tie dye shirts that we made over the summer and posted a while back ~ We looked like such dorks but it was really easy to find each other ~ It was alot of fun seeing the animals on the Safari ride but Expedition Everest was our favorite ~

    Here we are even being bigger dorks with our It's a Bug's Life 3-D glasses ~ they are pretty darn cute ~

    It rained like crazy in the afternoon at Animal Kingdom ~ of course it was the one day we didn't bring our ponchos ~

    This is from the front, my daughter, niece and her fiance ~

    Today we went to Epcot and tasted foods from around the world at their wine and cheese festival ~ it was great today because the crowds were super light and there wasn't any rain ~ My favorite country to visit was Italy and Paris but they were all fun ~

    Our girls in Italy at Epcot ~

  • Vacation Part 3

    Vacation Part 3

    Today is Monday and I was supposed to be flying home but.... I am dropping our daughter off to do her internship at Disney World ~ she still had some checking in and figuring out stuff to do sooo... I am in Florida ~ I am hoping to be fly home tomorrow and get some fun treasures listed on my website that are just waiting ~

    This is a picture off the deck above the pool ~ the weather was gorgeous !!

    I will chat with you soon !!

  • Uxmal


    Well we are off the cruise and on our way to drop Stephanie, our daughter, off at Disney World ~ Half of our family had to go back home for work so it is just me, Steph and her boyfriend Josh ~

    One of the ports that we went to was Progresso and there we took an excursion to Uxmal, one of the large Mayan Ruins ~ It was so incredible to see it !! We all really love history so it was fun to be on a tour so we could hear some of the Mayan history and also Yucatan history ~

    This is us climbing one of the pyramids ~ I hate heights so I thought I would freak out but it wasn't too bad ~

    From the left is Josh, my son in law James, daughter Kristin, me, daughter Steph and hubby ~

    Well my laptop battery is running out so I will post more later ~