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  • Make Mine Pink Chicago Bound

    Make Mine Pink Chicago Bound

    I am sooo excited to be on my way to Chicago to attend the Country Living Women Entrepreneur of the Year conference ~ Joyce Lucas, who is the founder of Make Mine Pink is one of the women being honored !!

    It is going to be a blast to get to meet all of the ladies that I talk to at Make Mine Pink everyday ~ I have been a member for over 3 years and have talked to Joyce and the other ladies on the Make Mine Pink forum since then ~ We are going to have a few days to laugh, chat, eat Chicago pizza and just have so much fun as well as learn some wonderful things at the conference ~

    On March 15, 2008, in Chicago, at the annual Country Living WE aftenoon, Joyce Lucas will recognized as one of Honorees of 2008's The Country Living Women Entrepreneurs. She will join the other deserving Honorees on stage for accolades and a question and answer session. All the Honorees are featured in the March issue of Country Living, currently on the newsstands.

    Her her own words, Joyce says:
    "This year I am so proud to announce that I have been honored along with 9 other women, the "Country Living Women Entrepreneur of the Year award for 2008 ". Grateful for such an honor, I am also very humbled. It is because of the amazing group of women that collectively make up Make Mine Pink, that I have received this honor. I will proudly accept this honor for all of the members at MMP."

    Joyce founded in Make Mine Pink 2004, from a personal need to find other like- minded women who, like herself, were struggling to not only get their businesses started, but to gain the recognition businesses needed to succeed. Not only did she create Make Mine Pink as an online shopping mall, but she added a forum for the business women to exchange ideas and build friendships.

    To read more about Joyce, check the March issue of Country Living, the Country Living website and especially check Make Mine Pink.

  • Home from Country Living Event

    Home from Country Living Event

    The Country Living Women Entrepreneur Conference in Chicago was wonderful !!! It was extremely informative with some amazing women speakers ~ there were 600 ladies who attended ~

    The most fun was being able to meet some of the ladies from Make Mine Pink that I have chatted with on the forum for up to 3 years ~ We all stayed in a brownstone right off of Michigan Ave. which was such a blast !! Karen from Sweet Necessi-Teas and I got there on Thursday and had fun just chatting away ~ On Friday we met up with everyone else ~ it felt like we have known each other forever because we have talked for so long ~ it was neat though to meet and hear their voices because most everyone we had met before just through emails and the forum ~ this is a picture of a few of the ladies but I think there were almost 20 of us all together ~

    The conference was on Saturday which began with a yummy lunch and then the speakers and ended with honoring the 10 Women Entrepreneurs of the Year ~ we were all so proud of Joyce !!!

    Saturday night was fun because we ended the night off with a tiara contest and yankie Pamper Me Pink swap ~ I will show you pics of the tiaras tomorrow ~ they were amazing !!!

  • Magnolia Pearl Ranch & A Giveaway!

    Magnolia Pearl Ranch & A Giveaway!

    My friend Anne at Fiona and Twig
    just did a blog post showing the amazing
    Magnolia Pearl Ranch
    that is for sale!!
    It is truly breathtaking!

    There is also an awesome giveaway
    of 2 Magnolia Pearl outfits
    valued at almost $2,000!
    Oh my gosh!

    Robin Brown and John Gray
    of Magnolia Pearl Clothing
    are selling their
    beautiful Ranch located in
    the Bandera countryside
    of the Texas Hill Country~
    It is 38 acres with
    3 complete homes,
    18 external structures,
    3 outdoor shower baths
    which are supplied by
    on demand hot water heaters ~

    Among the many features
    of the 3 homes
    there are 25 chandeliers,
    iron beds, 3 clawfoot tubs,
    stone fireplaces and
    spacious porches as well
    as many outdoor structures
    like a chicken coop with
    a chandelier!

    The interior ceilings
    are covered in antique tins
    from an abandoned movie theatre
    in New York City ~

    This gorgeous property
    has been featured in
    numerous magazines as
    well as being the subject
    of a book published by
    Country Living ~

    Make sure and stop by
    Fiona & Twig for many
    more pictures and the
    contact information ~
    Enter to win the giveaway

  • Make Mine Pink Queen for the Day !!!

    Make Mine Pink Queen for the Day !!!

    As you may be aware, the members of Make Mine Pink who are attending the Country Living's WE afternoon are having a contest also ~ "The Most Outrageous Tiara Contest"~ where we will see each others tiaras up close and personal. So as not to leave anyone out of the 'fun' Make Mine Pink will be hosting "Queen for a Day" on the Make Mine public forum.

    Here are the rules of participate:

    Design and create your outrageous PINK Tiara yourself.
    Submit 1-2 pictures of you wearing your Tiara by Tuesday March 18th! (it must be YOU in the picture wearing the tiara)

    All pics will be posted and a vote will take place! Only current and participating forum members will be allowed to vote!

    The winner will receive the beautiful tiara ring and the gorgeous book-Crowns & Tiaras.

    All forum members NOT attending the Chicago event are eligible to win this fabulous prize!

  • Chicago Make Mine Pink Tiara Contest

    Chicago Make Mine Pink Tiara Contest

    This is the second edition to my Chicago weekend post ~ On Saturday night after the Country Living Conference, we had a night of just fun ~ we had Chicago style pizza, a gift exchange and the tiara contest ~ it was sooo much fun !!!

    Oh my gosh !!! I was amazed at the outrageous beautiful tiaras that the gals came up with ~ I guess it is because there was a gorgeous crown ring to be won !!

    These are pictures of just some of the tiaras ~

    Michelle was the winner ~ Isn't it gorgeous and outrageous !!