The Country Living Women Entrepreneur Conference in Chicago was wonderful !!! It was extremely informative with some amazing women speakers ~ there were 600 ladies who attended ~
The most fun was being able to meet some of the ladies from Make Mine Pink that I have chatted with on the forum for up to 3 years ~ We all stayed in a brownstone right off of Michigan Ave. which was such a blast !! Karen from Sweet Necessi-Teas and I got there on Thursday and had fun just chatting away ~ On Friday we met up with everyone else ~ it felt like we have known each other forever because we have talked for so long ~ it was neat though to meet and hear their voices because most everyone we had met before just through emails and the forum ~ this is a picture of a few of the ladies but I think there were almost 20 of us all together ~

The conference was on Saturday which began with a yummy lunch and then the speakers and ended with honoring the 10 Women Entrepreneurs of the Year ~ we were all so proud of Joyce !!!

Saturday night was fun because we ended the night off with a tiara contest and yankie Pamper Me Pink swap ~ I will show you pics of the tiaras tomorrow ~ they were amazing !!!