I have a confession to make ..... I am not a yard sale shopper ~
A flea market shopper but not a yard sale shopper and it is all because I have already been there done that on the Little Tykes stuff ~ I have friends ( Pat and Lisa ) that live close to me that always find treasures at yard sales ~ not me though ~
But ...... when Dorothy at the Shabby Y emails to say she is having a yard sale I am there with bells on (really flip flops) ~
She has the most amazing studio in the back that she even opened up to the shopping gals ~I pretty much drooled over her neat as a pin studio stuffed with awesome treasures ~
Here are the wonderful things that I got from her that will be on my website soon ~ well, except the oval frame ~

I also went to a tiny little flea market and found these old photos and sweet baby shoes ~ I am going to use the pictures for pocket pillows ~ My daughter was with me and we just cracked up going through the boxes of pictures ~
This girl's bow is so fun ! I can't imagine wearing a bow that ginormous :)
People did call my girls bow heads though when they were little so maybe I can imagine it ..... hmmmm