Cottage & Family [Search results for vintage skeleton key

  • Easy Peasy Bottle Tutorial

    Easy Peasy Bottle Tutorial

    I just was creating some bottles for my website and

    figured it was time for a blog post ~

    Soooo I decided to take some pictures along the way ~

    They are crummy pictures because it was late and the

    lighting stunk ~

    Anyway they are super duper easy but really fun and

    you can be creative with tons of variations ~

    First gather your stuff to use ~

    I am using vintage bridal lace, crinkled seam binding,

    a vintage skeleton key and vintage jewelry for this bottle ~

    Then I cut the lace to fit the bottle and used

    Modge Podge to make it stick to the bottle ~

    Next I tied on a vintage skeleton key with

    tea dyed and crinkled ribbon ~

    The tutorial is here for the ribbon ~

    And last you just hot glue on a vintage piece of jewelry ~

    Here are some other variations that I have done recently ~

    It is fun to gather old pieces of lace, ribbons, broken jewelry

    and just start creating !

    { I have had tons of questions on where to get the

    bottles ~ I just find them at flea markets }

  • Making the New Look Old

    Making the New Look Old

    I just love these sweet little salt and pepper shakers and wanted to do something fun with them ~

    Vintage buttons and vintage skeleton keys are some of my favorite things ~ So I decided to combine them into one sweet little vignette piece ~

    I bough this Patina kit at Michaels ~
    The first thing that you do is paint the entire shiny lid with a coat of the Blackened Bronze ~

    The next step is to put a light coat of Patina Blue Antiquing Solution while the bronze coat is still tacky ~

    Then when the lids are dry I fill them with vintage white buttons and tie the lid with seam binding and a vintage skeleton key ~

  • Tattered Layered Rose Tutorial

    Tattered Layered Rose Tutorial

    Then gather the each fabric strip
    right on one edge
    ( don't gather the sheer strip )
    ~ I used my ruffler foot
    which I pretty much love!

    After they are gathered I cut snips
    about every 1.5 inches randomly
    and ripped each snip
    almost to the gathered edge ~

    Next stack all the layers with
    the shear on top and stitch through all ~

    Then cut a circle to fit out of canvas and
    glue it on top of the ribbons ~

    After that I tied a vintage skeleton key
    to one of the ribbons and glued a pin on the back ~

    That is it!
    A fluffy tattered rose ❤

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  • Soldered Charm Key Crazy

    Soldered Charm Key Crazy

    I think I got on a key craze today when I was making soldered charms ~ I love pink ribbons, vintage skeleton keys and anything Paris soooo here is a peek of what I created today ~ there is also a new glittery crown charm that is so sparkly and a new chandelier charm coming soon !