Cottage & Family [Search results for vintage silver

  • Pipe Cleaner Roses

    Pipe Cleaner Roses

    So what do you do on a snowy day in when you should be cleaning the house ?
    You watch the Martha Stewart Show and make Pipe Cleaner rings with the Pipe Cleaner Lady ~ Who would of thought :)
    Click here for the link to her segment on that show ~

    I really really wanted to make a soft vintage pink one but I only had silver ~ So I antiqued the silver ones with some stain and then wrapped it around vintage hymnal music, tea stained seam binding and lace ~ and Voila ! a vintage vignette piece ~
    I cannot wait to get some pink ~ Do they make aged looking pink pipe cleaners ? Hmmmm .....

  • Just a Little ADD Moment

    Just a Little ADD Moment

    Do you ever have those days that you have so much to do that you don't know where to begin soooo ....... you do something else ??

    Today was one of those days so I decided to try a project that I say at Wayside Treasures and Junk Dreams ~ I have had this Silver and Vintage Bottles and thought it would be so much fun to try this to decorate them ~

    Super duper easy and fun !! I love it !

    If you don't want to do them yourself you can find these in my
    Vintage Category ~

  • Baby Shoes & Pocket Pillows

    Baby Shoes & Pocket Pillows

    It is time to get back to work after a long weekend so I have listed

    two little Altered Baby Shoes and some Vintage Cottage Pillows

    on my website, Katies Rose Cottage ~

    Tomorrow is Canton !! WOOHOO !! I love love Canton ~

    I am in need of more lace and always on the hunt for silver so that

    is my goal tomorrow ~

    I have been having a blast at Photofunia ~ it is kind of addicting !!

  • Dallas Gift Market & Make Mine Pink Show & Tell Monday

    Dallas Gift Market & Make Mine Pink Show & Tell Monday

    I just spent the day at the Dallas Home and Gift Market ~ it is beyond HUGE and pretty much overstimulating ~
    I ordered tons of awesome things that I cannot wait to get on my website ~
    So what was the trend of this market ???

    CROWNS ~ it was all about crowns, skeleton keys and chandeliers ~ I was sooo excited because those are some of my very favorite things ~ I also ordered some pretty vintage looking pink and silver Christmas goodies ~
    Ohhhh and birds are still very very big ~ I love anything with birds too so I was pretty excited about that too ~