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  • Market Preparations

    Market Preparations

    If you are new to my blog ~ I am going to the Dallas Home and Gift Show in January with some other talented ladies ~ This is an update from our blog at Vintage Rose Boutiques ~

    I just wanted to give you a little update on our market preparations.
    We have all been working getting our lines ready to go which is very exciting !

    One of the things we are doing in between working on products is trying to
    figure out what to decorate our booth with. We want it to have a Cottage feel and are each finding things that will display our products as well as keep to this look.

    As we have been out and about over the few weeks we have found things and created things that will be just perfect.
    These are just some ideas of items that we love and think about using but know
    that the booth is not huge so we can't bring everything.