Cottage & Family [Search results for pink

  • “Someone Will Win a Pink Diamond”

    “Someone Will Win a Pink Diamond”

    We are so excited! As a proud member of, we have joined with other Pink Boutiques and Make Mine Pink for the “Pink Diamond Campaign”.
    Every year Make Mine Pink likes to do something special to honor our valued customers, clients and friends. In all, $2500 worth of fabulous pink prizes will be awarded throughout the contest with a Grand Prize of a genuine pink diamond pendant.
    There are several fun ways to win prizes for the Campaign, by just visiting the boutiques at Make Mine Pink and locating the six diamonds hidden among the participating Pink Boutiques each of the six month, or you may see one of the Make Mine Pink boutique owners wearing her pink rhinestone “MMP” pin as she goes about day to day activities, or making a donation to a favorite women’s charity. A monthly prize will be awarded for May, June, July, August and September entries with a grand prize awarded for the month of October. It’s that easy!
    Join us in our excitement by visiting the boutiques at Make Mine Pink.
    For more information, you may visit or the “Pink Diamond Campaign” link at Make Mine Pink.

  • Make Mine Pink Chicago Bound

    Make Mine Pink Chicago Bound

    I am sooo excited to be on my way to Chicago to attend the Country Living Women Entrepreneur of the Year conference ~ Joyce Lucas, who is the founder of Make Mine Pink is one of the women being honored !!

    It is going to be a blast to get to meet all of the ladies that I talk to at Make Mine Pink everyday ~ I have been a member for over 3 years and have talked to Joyce and the other ladies on the Make Mine Pink forum since then ~ We are going to have a few days to laugh, chat, eat Chicago pizza and just have so much fun as well as learn some wonderful things at the conference ~

    On March 15, 2008, in Chicago, at the annual Country Living WE aftenoon, Joyce Lucas will recognized as one of Honorees of 2008's The Country Living Women Entrepreneurs. She will join the other deserving Honorees on stage for accolades and a question and answer session. All the Honorees are featured in the March issue of Country Living, currently on the newsstands.

    Her her own words, Joyce says:
    "This year I am so proud to announce that I have been honored along with 9 other women, the "Country Living Women Entrepreneur of the Year award for 2008 ". Grateful for such an honor, I am also very humbled. It is because of the amazing group of women that collectively make up Make Mine Pink, that I have received this honor. I will proudly accept this honor for all of the members at MMP."

    Joyce founded in Make Mine Pink 2004, from a personal need to find other like- minded women who, like herself, were struggling to not only get their businesses started, but to gain the recognition businesses needed to succeed. Not only did she create Make Mine Pink as an online shopping mall, but she added a forum for the business women to exchange ideas and build friendships.

    To read more about Joyce, check the March issue of Country Living, the Country Living website and especially check Make Mine Pink.

  • Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Join us for a PINK Friday shopping experience at Katies Rose Cottage and Make Mine Pink! It's your exclusive invitation to " shopping with a twist." Each week, Katies Rose Cottage and the Boutiques at MMP will feature a well coordinated shopping experience with a theme - an all new approach to Internet shopping. Join us for "An English Tea" on Friday, June 20th .

    Boutique Participation is only open to Make Mine Pink Boutique members. This will assure that your shopping experience will be the very best from quality shopping to superior customer service.

    You can find the items at Katies Rose Cottage by clicking on the category button that shows the Pink Friday image on our website category list ~ that will take you to our Pink Friday products ~ every week will be a new theme for Fridays only ~

    Here are a couple of items that we will have available tomorrow ~

    Have fun shopping !

  • Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Today is Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and the participating shops at Make Mine Pink ~
    Why fight the crowds when you can shop from the comfort of your home all warm and cozy ~

    We just listed some gorgeous Wendy Addison products in our Pink Friday category ~ I love the sparkle that they have with German glass glitter ~ there are also sweet vintage style bottle brush ornaments ~ these items combined with the pink bottle brush Christmas goodies in our holiday category will give your home a beautiful vintage look ~

    Remember alot of the Wendy Addison items can be used year round ~

    All of the products in our Pink Friday category are 10% off for today only ~

    Have fun shopping ~

  • Make Mine Pink * Pink Fridays

    Make Mine Pink * Pink Fridays

    Join us for an all new PINK Friday shopping experience at Katies Rose Cottage and Make Mine Pink! It's your exclusive invitation to " shopping with a twist." Each week, Katies Rose Cottage and the Boutiques at MMP will feature a well coordinated shopping experience with a theme - an all new approach to Internet shopping. Join us for "Springtime in Paris" on Friday, May 30th.

    Indulge your Parisian style as you browse the participating boutiques.
    Join us for "Springtime in Paris" and shop from the comforts of your home. Best of all~ no gasoline needed. Boutique Participation is only open to Make Mine Pink Boutique members. This will assure that your shopping experience will be the very best from quality shopping to superior customer service.

    You can find the items at Katies Rose Cottage by clicking on the category button that shows the Pink Friday image on our website category list ~ that will take you to our Pink Friday products ~ every week will be a new theme for Fridays only ~

    Here is a sampling of what we have this week ~

    Have fun shopping !!

  • Pink Friday "Romantic Roses"

    Pink Friday "Romantic Roses"

    It is time for Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and the shops at Make Mine Pink ~

    The theme this week is "Romantic Roses" ~ Make sure and see what treasures we have added by visiting our Pink Friday category here ~
    You can also visit the participating shops at Make Mine Pink by clicking here~

    We have 10 % off everything in the Pink Friday category until midnight
    Friday night ~

  • Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Join us for PINK Friday on June 13 for your exclusive invitation to “Shopping with a Twist” as the Boutiques at Make Mine Pink present "Kitschy Kitchen Ideas." Do you decorate your kitchen with cherries on the wallpaper, all rose china, vintage tablecloths? You will find it all and much, much more on Friday.

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    Here is a sampling of some of the kitchen goodies that I will have at Katies Rose Cottage ~ You can get to the Pink Friday items here or by clicking on the Pink Friday logo on our website home page ~

  • Pink Friday "Beautiful Blues"

    Pink Friday "Beautiful Blues"

    It is time for Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and the shops at Make Mine Pink ~
    The theme this week is "Beautiful Blues" ~ Make sure and see what treasures we have added by visiting our Pink Friday category here ~
    You can also visit the participating shops at Make Mine Pink by clicking here~

    With every order of $50 or more of anything on the website you will get this sweet charm for free ~

  • Pink Friday

    Pink Friday

    It is time for Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and Make Mine Pink !!

    I love January because after taking down the Christmas decorations I am always ready to have a fresh start with decorating ~ this week's theme for Pink Friday is "In With the New" where the shops are debuting some beautiful new products ~

    Make sure and visit our Pink Friday category to see some new things as well as there is a free gift with purchase ~

  • Pink Friday "Gotta Have Bling"

    Pink Friday "Gotta Have Bling"

    I am so excited for this week's Pink Friday !! The theme is "Gotta Have Bling" and we have alot that will be launched in the Pink Friday category at midnight tonight ~

    When you go there make sure and see the free giveaway with purchase too !

    Take a peek at the other Make Mine Pink participating shops for this week's Pink Friday ~

    Have fun shopping and get ready for glitz ~

  • Pink Friday * Nifty Nurseries

    Pink Friday * Nifty Nurseries

    It is time again to join Katies Rose Cottage and the participating members of Make Mine Pink for Pink Friday ~

    If you are new to my blog and website ~ Pink Friday is a themed shopping event where every Friday is a different theme ~ this Friday is "Nifty Nurseries"~

    You can find nursery goodies on my website here and you can also see a list of all the other Make Mine Pink websites who are participating here ~

    Have fun shopping !!

  • Make Mine Pink Queen for the Day !!!

    Make Mine Pink Queen for the Day !!!

    As you may be aware, the members of Make Mine Pink who are attending the Country Living's WE afternoon are having a contest also ~ "The Most Outrageous Tiara Contest"~ where we will see each others tiaras up close and personal. So as not to leave anyone out of the 'fun' Make Mine Pink will be hosting "Queen for a Day" on the Make Mine public forum.

    Here are the rules of participate:

    Design and create your outrageous PINK Tiara yourself.
    Submit 1-2 pictures of you wearing your Tiara by Tuesday March 18th! (it must be YOU in the picture wearing the tiara)

    All pics will be posted and a vote will take place! Only current and participating forum members will be allowed to vote!

    The winner will receive the beautiful tiara ring and the gorgeous book-Crowns & Tiaras.

    All forum members NOT attending the Chicago event are eligible to win this fabulous prize!

  • Recreating for Make Mine Pink "Pink Friday"

    Recreating for Make Mine Pink "Pink Friday"

    Today I spent the day getting ready for the Make Mine Pink, "The Garden Path", Pink Friday event ~

    I wanted to take you along so that you could see the journey of recreating a flea market find into something special for your cottage home ~

    The first thing you do is find what you want to work on ~ it is getting harder and harder to find these awesome totes like the large one that I have shown ~ It is very old so the wood is rough and weathered ~ I really don't know what it was used for but I think it would be perfect for putting your flowers in as you cut them and get ready for a bouquet ~

    The next step is to glue on embellishments if you want to ~ I love them because they add such a shabby chic look ~

    Then you prime your piece with a good primer ~ my very favorite is Kilz oil based because it covers so well ~

    After that is dry, which takes a few steps to do all sides, you paint on whatever color you would like and when that dries you distress it with sandpaper ~ I use flat paint because I like the look of it ~

    I love it when the weather is sunny because it makes the best painting days !!

    The items that I have shown you, along with other garden treasures, will be available on my website for Pink Friday ~

    Have fun shopping or creating !!

  • Vintage Pink Christmas Balls

    Vintage Pink Christmas Balls

    Every year at Christmas there is something that I kind of have an obsession about and this year it is vintage Christmas balls and anything with German glass glitter ~

    When we were at Canton for our one day ( not near enough time ), another thing that I found was a basket of vintage pink Christmas balls ~ First of all, vintage Christmas balls go for a premium here ~ I saw them for $24 a box of 8 at most places !! Well I was so excited to find this basket full of PINK so I had to ask how much it was even though I figured it would be too expensive ~ It was $30 for the whole basket full including the basket ~ I was sooo excited and snatched it up real quick ~

    I washed some of my ugly orange ones I got last year and now they are a gorgeous mercury glass ~ I combined them with my new old pink ones in an apothecary jar ~

    Apothecary jars are also one of my favorite things so I have quite a few of them around my house ~ they are wonderful because you can change them for the seasons ~

    I also found this petite apothecary jar at Canton this month ~ I just fell in love with it because it is so cute with the vintage pink and white buttons ~
    It is available here ~

    Chat with you soon !

  • ~ Pink Friday "Romantic Roses" ~

    ~ Pink Friday "Romantic Roses" ~

    It is time for Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and the Make Mine Pink ~
    This week's theme is "Romantic Roses" ~

    Pink Roses and romance are very much a theme at my website already so it is always full with Romantic Roses ~ but... take a look at our Pink Friday category for some new additions ~

    Have fun shopping !!

  • Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    It is time for another Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and the participating shops at Make Mine Pink ~~ Whew !!! where do the weeks go !!

    This weeks theme is Vintage Linens ~ Linens and lace are things that I just love love to collect and even though I have a ton of them, I am always adding more ~ there is something about linens and old doilies and lace that just is beautiful and treasured ~

    Okay, I am off to list more things ~ they will be on the website in the Pink Friday category by midnight tonight or whenever I go to bed ~

  • Pink Twilight Sale Tonight

    Pink Twilight Sale Tonight

    Remember the excitement of the Moonlight Madness sales when you were a kid?

    I remember being out late in our local department store with my mother, just waiting for the exciting chaos when a special sale was announced. Shoppers raced from all corners of the store in hot pursuit of a bargain that we were sure we couldn't live with out. Well Make Mine Pink has added that fun back into weekend shopping with the Make Mine PINK TWILIGHT sale.

    From 6:00pm-midnight EST on Saturday, you will find unbelievable buys from the Make Mine Pink boutique owners! 6 Hours and 6 hours only - once a month you'll see buys like never before on make Mine Pink. Mark your calendars so that you don't miss this new, monthly event. The first one starts tomorrow October 17th at 6:00PM Est.

    The sale items will all show up on one easy to shop section, but as quickly as they appear, they'll be gone at midnight.

    Come have some fun if you dare!

  • Pink Friday * Romantically Roses

    Pink Friday * Romantically Roses

    Join us for PINK Friday on July 4 for your exclusive invitation to “Shopping with a Twist” as the Boutiques at Make Mine Pink present "Romantically Roses."

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    Here is a sampling of some of the Romantic Rose goodies that I will have at Katies Rose Cottage ~ You can get to the Pink Friday items here or by clicking on the Pink Friday logo on our website home page ~

  • Pink Friday "Keeping It Green"

    Pink Friday "Keeping It Green"

    It is time for Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and the participating shops at Make Mine Pink ~

    This weeks theme is "Keeping it Green" ~ Take a peek to see what is new !!

    With any order that includes a Pink Friday item, you will get a free Pink Brooch ~

  • ~ Please Come to Tea ~

    ~ Please Come to Tea ~

    Fill your week with Tea Parties !!!

    Starting Monday September 10, have a fun filled week with the

    Make Mine Pink Bloggers as they host a virtual Tea Party.

    Visit the Mine Pink Blog for all the information and a list of participating
    Make Mine Pink Blogs.

    Why Tea Party? Well what can be more fun, tea for two, tea for one, a princess tea, a mother/daughter tea, best friends tea, long lost friends tea, or to just take a moment to slow down and enjoy the tea.

    Join in on the fun and host a virtual tea party too. We will be visiting all the Make Mine Pink blogs and yours too if you decide to host your own party.

    You will see beautiful and unique tables set for tea; many will have a special theme. Will you join us and post a photo of your Tea Party on your very own blog?

    Post a comment on Make Mine Pink’s Blog and we will include you on the list.So expect many visitors~ please have cookies ready.