The other day I was tea staining a bunch of old lace and linens and decided to save the dryer sheets to try and make some roses with them ~ I was thinking about Barbara Jean at Treasures from the Heart's tutorial on tea bag roses ~
They came out really sweet and are super easy ~
Mine came out the perfect color just by sticking them in the dryer with my wet tea stained linens and lace ~
First you tri fold the dryer sheet lengthwise ~

Then you start to roll and put a dab of hot glue being careful to not burn your fingers ~

Keep on rolling ~

Then when you are done you take a needle and thread and sew through the bottom and then wrap the thread around the base tightly to hold it all together ~ sew through the base again and tie a knot ~

Fluff them out until they look good to you ~

This one I dyed pink with some food coloring ~