Cottage & Family [Search results for linens and lace

  • Dryer Sheet Rose Tutorial

    Dryer Sheet Rose Tutorial

    The other day I was tea staining a bunch of old lace and linens and decided to save the dryer sheets to try and make some roses with them ~ I was thinking about Barbara Jean at Treasures from the Heart's tutorial on tea bag roses ~

    They came out really sweet and are super easy ~

    Mine came out the perfect color just by sticking them in the dryer with my wet tea stained linens and lace ~

    First you tri fold the dryer sheet lengthwise ~

    Then you start to roll and put a dab of hot glue being careful to not burn your fingers ~

    Keep on rolling ~

    Then when you are done you take a needle and thread and sew through the bottom and then wrap the thread around the base tightly to hold it all together ~ sew through the base again and tie a knot ~

    Fluff them out until they look good to you ~

    This one I dyed pink with some food coloring ~

  • Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    It is time for another Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and the participating shops at Make Mine Pink ~~ Whew !!! where do the weeks go !!

    This weeks theme is Vintage Linens ~ Linens and lace are things that I just love love to collect and even though I have a ton of them, I am always adding more ~ there is something about linens and old doilies and lace that just is beautiful and treasured ~

    Okay, I am off to list more things ~ they will be on the website in the Pink Friday category by midnight tonight or whenever I go to bed ~

  • Signs of Summer in my Backyard

    Signs of Summer in my Backyard

    Yesterday the kids all came over to BBQ and swim ~

    It was so fun because it just felt like summer was here ~ I love

    the summer and all of the things that go along with it ~

    These are just a few signs of summer from my backyard yesterday~

    In the morning I tea dyed some linens to make more pillows ~ I love being able to hang them outside to dry and it took no time at all in the 90 degree weather we are having already ~

    I planted 5 peach trees a few years ago because I love peaches and they always seem to be yucky in the grocery store ~ This year 2 of the 5 have peaches and there are tons ! We are trying to get to them before the birds and the bugs ~ they are so sweet and delicious ~

    It is so fun to me to go out in my yard and pick my own herbs so every year I grow some ~

    Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers and I love the color of this one so much ~

    This is Kirby after a swim ~ He loves loves the water and looks so cute all wet so I had to take a picture ~

    Well I am off to fold linens and lace ~

    Have a wonderful day !

  • Vintage Bling

    Vintage Bling

    Every time I go to Canton, or to any flea market for that matter, I have something in particular that I am really really hunting for ~ I am always looking for old china with pink roses, architectural finds, lace, old linens ~ all of those things are so much fun to look for but this time I was looking for vintage rhinestone jewelry ~ It is so hard to find lately ~ I guess I am not the only one looking for it ~

    I hit a treasure chest at one of the vendors ~ he had a bag stuffed away because he didn't think anybody would want it ~ it was full of broken rhinestone jewelry ~

    I was sooo excited because that is what I was looking for so I can embellish more soldered charms with it ~

    Then I spotted a vintage tiara that was kind of shoved to the side and asked him about it ~ he didn't think anyone would want that either ~ I almost bought a new one because I love them but I am so glad to have found a vintage one !! That is even better ~
    You will see a lot of this tiara in my pictures :o)

    I am not sure what the "thing" will be next month but it is fun to dig in those hidden spot because you never know what you will find . . . .