Our sale is extended!!
It is time for a
Pillow Sale !!
All of the pillows on my website
have been marked down 20%
December 26th ~

With every order
{not just pillows }
You get a free handmade tag ❤

Our sale is extended!!
It is time for a
Pillow Sale !!
All of the pillows on my website
have been marked down 20%
December 26th ~
With every order
{not just pillows }
You get a free handmade tag ❤
I am almost done with my website transfer ~
So right in the middle of it I decided it was time to make
a pillow ~ my brain kind of works that way !! I think it is
not being able to focus or something :)
Anyway .... this pillow is super easy because the edges of
the ruffle are raw it is just rip and sew ~
First, I am using an 18 inch pillow form so I cut the front 19 inches
and the back I am buttoning so cut 2 pieces 19 by 13.5 ~
In the back fold over 4 inches and iron ~
Next, pin and sew with right sides together
overlapping the ironed
back just a bit ~
Then you make a button hole and sew on
a button for your closure ~
You can do the button hole before you
sew it together if you would like ~
Next I ripped muslin in strips of 6 inches wide ~
The ruffle needs to be about 2.5 times
the length of your side for ruffling ~
I have a ruffle attachment that I did
mini pleats with but you don't
have to have one, you can just gather
as you normally would ~
Then I laid the pillow front side
down and pinned the ruffle
to the front and sewed it on just guiding
my foot along the
pillow edge ~
I sewed ruffles to just two sides ~
This is what it looks like from the front ~
After it is all done you can leave it
as it is or embellish the front
with something ~ I added a big rose
made out of the same
muslin that is pinned on ~
That is all and it is really quick !
This is another pillow that I made ~ It is out of a tablecloth
like the ones I have for sale on my website ~
I ended up making 3 for my couch because they
were so quick and easy !!
Do you notice my tea stained couch is white again ?
Well after spending Christmas and
New Years with the whole
family staying here along with 4 dogs with
wet muddy feet (even though
we wiped them off )
the slipcovers got bleached a few times ~
I love it this color but wow it is hard to keep clean !
I just wanted to let you know that I have lowered my prices almost 50% on all shabby cottage chic quilts, sheet sets, aprons and pillow slipcovers ~