Cottage & Family + Vintage Lace Cuffs

Cuffs & Photo Actions

I was reading Miss Mustard Seed's blog today

and got totally inspired by her post yesterday

on Actions for Photoshop ~

Soooo I hopped on over to the shop she

recommended, Florabella Collections ~

I bought a collection right away

and went to add it to

my super outdated Photoshop Elements 4 ~ hmmmmm.....

I realized I needed an upgrade and quick ~

{ I am kind of impatient when I want to try something new }

So I upgraded and downloaded and WOW !!

It is so fun !!!

Here are some gorgeous Cuffs I just added to my shop

and the before and after the Actions ~

{ Before }

{ After }

{ Before }

{ After }

{ Before }

{ After }

Now I want to go buy every action

and edit every photo

on my website because it just brightens them

up so much !!

Blog, Miss Mustard Seed, Photoshop Actions, and more:

Cuffs & Photo Actions + Vintage Lace Cuffs