AHHHHH a tornado has officially
struck my house ~
Do you ever get in those modes
where all you want to do is create
and the house falls apart around you ?
Well that is me since we got home ~
I had to plant some flowers since it is the end of May
and very much overdo for Texas ~
( I got that accomplished yesterday )
My suitcase is half unpacked and laundry
is everywhere ~
My "not so white" slipcovers
in my living room are in the process
of getting washed and bleached ~
I am working on a HUGE project
for someone and it is all over
my dining room and living room ~
And all I wanted to do is create
so this is what I did today instead
of what I needed to do ~
I seriously think I have ADD ~

Ohhh and I was going through pictures of
our trip to Cabo ~
I didn't realize Cabo was so deserty
(until we got there) but the weather was amazing !!

Okay I am off to try and focus on getting
something I need to do done :)