Do you ever get a day when you just don't feel like doing the same old thing and you just can't get inspired at all ?? I do alot ~ maybe that is the ADD in me :o) Well I had a day like that yesterday so I asked my daughter if she wanted to fly to visit my friend in Kansas ~
My sweetest and best friend that I have had for 20 years, just moved from living one mile from me to 2 states away in Kansas ~She only moved a month ago so I hadn't seen her house yet but we talk almost everyday ~ I was dying to go see her and to see all of the awesome antique stores ~ This is a picture of her farmhouse that her family just moved in to ~ I think it is 100 years old and pretty much to die for !! We got to see the property on their 4 wheeler which was quite fun !! Her son gave us a few instructions first ~

My daughter had to check out the silo ~ I hate heights so I passed on that one ~

They have told me about the awesome auctions and antique shops so we had to go to a couple of them in our quick 24 hour trip ~ it was soooooo much fun and I pretty much was going crazy trying to soak it all in ~ I can't wait to go back but it will be for alot longer than one day next time ~